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 preservative [pri'zә:vәtiv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有助于保存的, 有保存力的

n. 预防药, 防腐剂

[化] 防腐剂; 保存剂

[医] 防腐剂, 保存剂

    [ noun ]
    1. a chemical compound that is added to protect against decay or decomposition

    2. <noun.substance>
    [ adj ]
    1. tending or having the power to preserve

    2. <adj.all>
      timbers should be treated with a preservative substance

    Preservative \Pre*serv"a*tive\, a. [Cf. F. pr['e]servatif.]
    Having the power or quality of preserving; tending to
    preserve, or to keep from injury, decay, etc.

    Preservative \Pre*serv"a*tive\, n.
    That which preserves, or has the power of preserving; a
    presevative agent.

    To wear tablets as preservatives against the plague.

    1. They must never be allowed to dry out and should also get a yearly coat of oil or wood preservative. Butts can be placed some distance away from the downpipe by using special attachments that connect to it and a length of hose.
    2. This use is not common, the agency said, and when the preservative is used for this purpose, these products are required to be labeled as containing sulfites.
    3. "Until this whole mass of wood settles and shrinks and acclimates itself, you need to keep the exterior maintained with a preservative, and you need to keep the cracks filled, otherwise they fill with moisture," he said.
    4. Moreover, while children were seen as facing the greatest cancer risk from Alar, a chemical preservative, buying data indicates that older people without children at home were more influenced by concerns than any other consumer group.
    5. Cuprinol, the preservative market leader, had already replaced these with acypetacs-zinc and permethrin.
    6. Indeed, empty milk shelves is itself a repeat of the phony Alar scare, which resulted in the needless destruction of hundreds of tons of apples treated with the preservative.
    7. Faster ships and use of salt as a preservative made ranching highly profitable by the 1830s.
    8. It is doubtful that the Natural Resources Defense Council did itself a lot of good by raising the big apple scare alleging that Alar, a preservative coating, was a health threat.
    9. Aust said flammable creosote used as a preservative on the pilings produced a noxious gas, adding to the problems of firefighters who could not get to the flames spreading beneath the pier.
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