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 presbytery ['prezbitәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 长老住宅, 长老, 区会, 教区, 司祭席

    [ noun ]
    building reserved for the officiating clergy

    Presbytery \Pres"by*ter*y\, n.; pl. {Presbyteries}. [L.
    presbyterium, Gr. ?. See {Presbyter}, and cf.
    1. A body of elders in the early Christian church.

    2. (Presbyterian Ch.) A judicatory consisting of all the
    ministers within a certain district, and one layman, who
    is a ruling elder, from each parish or church,
    commissioned to represent the church in conjunction with
    the pastor. This body has a general jurisdiction over the
    churches under its care, and next below the provincial
    synod in authority.

    3. The Presbyterian religion of polity. [R.] --Tatler.

    (a) (Arch.) That part of the church reserved for the
    officiating priest.
    (b) The residence of a priest or clergyman. --Gwilt.

    1. The Louisiana presbytery of the Assemblies of God voted Monday to bar him from preaching for three months and have him undergo two years of rehabilitation.
    2. The local presbytery received calls from Rev. Dambach's peers saying the movie runs counter to the church's belief in a joyous, not ghoulish, resurrection.
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