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 plentiful ['plentiful]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 许多的, 丰富的, 丰饶的

    [ adj ]
    1. existing in great number or quantity

    2. <adj.all>
      rhinoceroses were once plentiful here
    3. affording an abundant supply

    4. <adj.all>
      had ample food for the party
      copious provisions
      food is plentiful
      a plenteous grape harvest
      a rich supply
    5. producing in abundance

    6. <adj.all>
      the bountiful earth
      a plentiful year
      fruitful soil

    Plentiful \Plen"ti*ful\, a.
    1. Containing plenty; copious; abundant; ample; as, a
    plentiful harvest; a plentiful supply of water.

    2. Yielding abundance; prolific; fruitful.

    If it be a long winter, it is commonly a more
    plentiful year. --Bacon.

    3. Lavish; profuse; prodigal. [Obs.]

    He that is plentiful in expenses will hardly be
    preserved from --Bacon.
    -- {Plen"ti*ful*ly}, adv. --
    {Plen"ti*ful*ness}, n.

    1. Last year, for example, Pete had ripe tomatoes two weeks earlier than I did, and more plentiful.
    2. Their food is plentiful, if monotonous.
    3. With dealers saying that supplies of the machine are plentiful, Tandy has started discounting the $750 to $1,300 1000 RL by as much as $200, depending on the model.
    4. Skeptics, who are plentiful, say Mr. Pence makes a virtue of necessity.
    5. Since the International Natural Rubber Agreement came into being in 1979, it has faced periods of glut, shortage and now another time of relatively plentiful supplies.
    6. Be flexible, and expect appointments to be rearranged at the last moment. How do I get around? Taxis are plentiful, but drivers often know less about the city than a businessmen who has spent three days in it.
    7. Slightly more respondents than last month say jobs are "plentiful," 25.6%, up from 23.4%.
    8. On the other hand, plentiful rain and moderate temperatures can ensure bountiful crops, therefore sending grain prices plummeting.
    9. Analysts say most private-sector workers can't reasonably expect to win substantial wage increases when business is poor and the labor supply is plentiful.
    10. 'Whatever happens to me,' writes Claudia to the Masai in her last, unbearable message, 'I wish that you may have many cattle and plentiful green grass.
    11. Crops such as corn develop a shallow root system when water is plentiful on the surface in the spring.
    12. Rossi said his is more sensitive because it amplifies and detects the AIDS virus' more plentiful ribonucleic acid.
    13. The numbers suggested supplies of slaughter-ready cattle would remain plentiful through the end of the year, then tighten a bit early next year.
    14. Lou Bennett, chief meterologist for the National Weather Service, said cold weather Saturday night in Moorhead and Fargo, N.D., helped slow the runoff from the winter's plentiful snowfall.
    15. "We expect him to make goods more plentiful and bring down prices," she said, herding her six children.
    16. 'All indicators now point to the bottom of the market having been reached, with the time ripe for institutional investment,' says Edward Erdman, the chartered surveyor. Signs of a revival in confidence are plentiful, if tentative.
    17. Even though electronic goods are generally cheaper and more plentiful, some other Western products cost up to three times what East Germans are used to paying.
    18. English carrots are at 18-20p a lb, potatoes are 10-14p a lb, savoy cabbage is 25-35p a lb and English onions are 15-20p a lb. Tomatoes from Spania and the Canary Islands are plentiful this week at 65-75p a lb.
    19. Homegrown vegetables are becoming more plentiful with peas at 35-45p a lb (50-65p), Broad beans at 30-40p a lb (35-40p), and cauliflower at 45-70p a head (40-50p).
    20. Agency research on kenaf was suspended in 1978 when supplies of paper pulp were plentiful and prices were down, Waterworth said.
    21. Steel is plentiful and prices reflect that.
    22. Scientists at a Niamey agricultural weather center, set up to monitor conditions in nine Sahel nations after the disastrous 1972-73 drought, report the plentiful rain promises good harvests. Good pasturage is available for cattle, goats, sheep.
    23. Acts of violence are plentiful.
    24. Instead, they say, smart planning through computer surveys and the financial ability to buy toys earlier in the year, when supplies are more plentiful, enable the company's stores to be well stocked.
    25. But his ghost has served as a pungent reminder that coal had thrown away its biggest asset, that it is indigenous, plentiful and above all secure.
    26. But both Mr. Davis and officials at Elsevier and VNU concede they may find more plentiful takeover candidates by scaling down their U.S. ambitions.
    27. Officials, meanwhile, hope to find housing alternatives before next summer's anticipated crush of workers seeking the region's plentiful construction jobs but who can't afford its expensive housing.
    28. In the countryside, there are more fruits and vegetables." Food was also reported to be plentiful in the European republics of Byelorussia and the Ukraine, and the Caucasian republic of Georgia.
    29. "Rhesus monkeys are smaller, cheaper, easier to work with and more plentiful than chimps," she explained.
    30. Here was the first big turning point of the war. Literature on Stalingrad is plentiful, including documents newly-released by post-Soviet Russia.
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