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 plenty ['plenti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 充分, 很多, 丰富

a. 很多的, 足够的, 丰富的

    [ noun ]
    1. a full supply

    2. <noun.attribute>
      there was plenty of food for everyone
    3. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent

    4. <noun.quantity>
      a batch of letters
      a deal of trouble
      a lot of money
      he made a mint on the stock market
      see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
      it must have cost plenty
      a slew of journalists
      a wad of money
    [ adv ]
    1. as much as necessary

    2. <adv.all>
      Have I eaten enough?
      I've had plenty, thanks

    Plenty \Plen"ty\, n.; pl. {Plenties}, in --Shak. [OE. plentee,
    plente, OF. plent['e], fr. L. plenitas, fr. plenus full. See
    {Full}, a., and cf. {Complete}.]
    Full or adequate supply; enough and to spare; sufficiency;
    specifically, abundant productiveness of the earth; ample
    supply for human wants; abundance; copiousness. ``Plenty of
    corn and wine.'' --Gen. xxvii. 28. ``Promises Britain peace
    and plenty.'' --Shak.

    Houses of office stuffed with plentee. --Chaucer.

    The teeming clouds Descend in gladsome plenty o'er the
    world. --Thomson.

    Syn: Abundance; exuberance. See {Abundance}.

    Plenty \Plen"ty\, a.
    Plentiful; abundant. [Obs. or Colloq.]

    If reasons were as plenty as blackberries. --Shak.
    (Folio ed.)

    Those countries where shrubs are plenty. --Goldsmith.

    1. According to Antarctic sea charts, plenty of them are on the jagged bottom at Sail Rock near Deception Island, ready to rip through the strongest of hulls like the reinforced one of the Polar Duke, a modern U.S. research ship.
    2. One arms industry analyst downplayed the value of such a weapon to the military or police, saying there are plenty of other semiautomatic weapons available to them.
    3. Mr Stevens should encourage Richard Rogers to be more imaginative and to keep the listed building at the heart of his scheme. There are plenty of boring glass towers around.
    4. Mr. Shaykin is confident the Best transaction will be neatly completed and that there will be plenty of new deals despite changes in the leveraged buy-out market.
    5. But she still spends plenty of time at the stove.
    6. I've got some magic tricks and I throw out cheap novelties to the crowd." He also juggles bowling pins. "Four is the most I can do, and three is plenty." Fred Young often plays drums shirtless, borrowing the idea from other drummers he's seen.
    7. The tourney delivered plenty of that, with four former titlists (Nicklaus, Floyd, Faldo and German Bernhard Langer) among the six players who began the final day in contention.
    8. They have become propaganda pamphlets for central office. There is plenty for them to crow about.
    9. He brought with him plenty of clear _ rather than colored _ plastic garbage bags.
    10. And they had plenty to smile about: Candy industry news is sugar-coated.
    11. That leaves plenty of room for the squabbles.
    12. If you have, there is plenty on offer that is reasonably priced without sounding tacky. Never one to leave its rooms empty if it can help it, Hilton International has been wracking its corporate brain for intriguingly cheap offers. Birdwatching weekends?
    13. It goes in for lots of inspiring photographs and plenty of uplifting aphorisms, all homing in on the wondrous benefits of simplicity. Anybody who is anybody in design circles has a go.
    14. Officials' ideas for circumventing these legally - by so-called Mexican trusts, for example - have yet to bear fruit. But there is still plenty of local money waiting to get into the market when the time is right.
    15. Wendy's still faces plenty of challenges.
    16. But there are plenty of savings ideas floating around, and some of them might work.
    17. "Here, there's plenty of work and the money is decent.
    18. The Viacom executive also said the HBO-Fox pact wouldn't hurt Showtime "because there is plenty of other movie product out there" from smaller movie studios.
    19. Turnover was a hefty 9.9m. In spite of the dividend disappointment, retail analysts still found plenty to cheer in the results and a raft of profits upgrades followed.
    20. "This is a freight train coming down the track" from Congress, said one senior administration official, speaking only on condition of anonymity. "There is plenty of impetus.
    21. The judge weighing an unprecedented divorce custody case over seven frozen embryos is getting plenty of unsolicited advice, including holding a lottery for the eggs.
    22. Wait, said the IRS, this is a building; if not, we have plenty of other reasons to deny credits.
    23. Japan's general government budget surplus allows it plenty of room for an injection of at least Y12,000bn (Pounds 50bn) in spending and tax cuts in the forthcoming supplementary budget.
    24. All the big accountants have active corporate finance departments and the lawyers have plenty of dealmakers.
    25. The early hour left plenty of time, and Mr. Pelton would be at work alone, with nobody else around to offer him advice.
    26. Administration officials are quick to caution that plenty of pitfalls still lie in the way of any budget agreement.
    27. No scruples about lying, seemingly plenty about selling arms?
    28. However, Mr Augustine thinks that there are plenty of overheads and duplicated costs which can be cut out from defence companies even when the overlap between their operations is small.
    29. But Leu said the aircraft's six tanks are all interconnected and the fuel supply system had plenty of fuel remaining on arrival at the airport, better known as Narita.
    30. But Merrill's idea encounters plenty of skepticism.
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