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 plagiary ['pleidʒiәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 剽窃

[法] 抄袭者, 剽窃者, 抄袭

  1. Sir, sorry, But I still want to say that I have read the same article in lots of nets such as BLCU. Is it a plagiary???

Plagiary \Pla"gia*ry\, a.
1. Kidnaping. [Obs.] --E. Browne.

2. Practicing plagiarism. --Bp. Hall.

Plagiary \Pla"gia*ry\, v. i.
To commit plagiarism.

Plagiary \Pla"gia*ry\, n.; pl. {Plagiaries}. [L. plagiarius a
kidnaper, a literary thief, fr. plagium kidnaping; cf. plaga
a net, perh. akin to E. plait: cf. F. plagiaire.]
1. A manstealer; a kidnaper. [Obs.]

2. One who purloins another's expressions or ideas, and
offers them as his own; a plagiarist. --Dryden.

3. Plagiarism; literary theft. --Milton.

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