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 plagiograph 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Pantograph \Pan"to*graph\, n. [Panto- + -graph: cf. F.
    An instrument for copying plans, maps, and other drawings, on
    the same, or on a reduced or an enlarged, scale. [Written
    also {pantagraph}, and incorrectly {pentagraph}.]

    2. An electrical conducting device consisting of a
    collapsible frame resembling a pantograph[1], connected to
    the top of an electrically-powered vehicle such as a
    trolley, and used to conduct electrical current between
    the vehicle and an overhead electric wire, which supplies
    the power to the vehicle. The variable height of the
    pantograph ensures that it can move to follow variations
    in the height of the overhead wires, and thus make
    constant contact with the wires.

    {Skew pantograph}, a kind of pantograph for drawing a copy
    which is inclined with respect to the original figure; --
    also called {plagiograph}.

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