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 pinwheel ['pinhwi:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 轮转焰火, 纸风车, 快速旋转的东西

    [ noun ]
    1. perennial subshrub of Tenerife having leaves in rosettes resembling pinwheels

    2. <noun.plant>
    3. a wheel that has numerous pins that are set at right angles to its rim

    4. <noun.artifact>
      he spun the pinwheel and it stopped with the pointer on `Go'
    5. a toy consisting of vanes of colored paper or plastic that is pinned to a stick and spins when it is pointed into the wind

    6. <noun.artifact>
    7. a circular firework that spins round and round emitting colored fire

    8. <noun.artifact>

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