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 pillory ['pilәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 颈手枷, 笑柄, 示众

vt. 上颈手枷, 使惹人嘲笑, 使受众辱, 将...示众

[法] 枷, 示众受辱

    [ noun ]
    1. a wooden instrument of punishment on a post with holes for the wrists and neck; offenders were locked in and so exposed to public scorn

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. expose to ridicule or public scorn

    2. <verb.social> gibbet
    3. punish by putting in a pillory

    4. <verb.social>
    5. criticize harshly or violently

    6. <verb.communication>
      blast crucify savage
      The press savaged the new President
      The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage

    Pillory \Pil"lo*ry\, n.; pl. {Pillories}. [F. pilori; cf. Pr.
    espitlori, LL. piloricum, pilloricum, pellericum, pellorium,
    pilorium, spilorium; perhaps from a derivative of L.
    speculari to look around, observe. Cf. {Speculate}.]
    A frame of adjustable boards erected on a post, and having
    holes through which the head and hands of an offender were
    thrust so as to be exposed in front of it. --Shak.

    Pillory \Pil"lo*ry\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pilloried}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Pillorying}.] [Cf. F. pilorier.]
    1. To set in, or punish with, the pillory. ``Hungering for
    Puritans to pillory.'' --Macaulay.

    2. Figuratively, to expose to public scorn. --Gladstone.

    1. Some of these lads and lasses are spoiling for a new fight, but perhaps they should consider the risks they themselves run if they try to pillory a Marine officer who mainly was trying to counter the spread of Soviet power.
    2. When both the Sun and The Economist pillory a Conservative administration on the same day, the markets might be expected to tremble slightly.
    3. He goes on to pillory the many Republican senators and members of Congress who supported the GCI.
    4. But some residents are alarmed at what they consider the crass behavior of some cityhood supporters who would pillory old and respected residents who don't believe in their cause.
    5. Pelourinho, the name of an area in the centre of the north-eastern Brazilian city of Salvador, means 'pillory' and in colonial times it was a place of horror for slaves taken there to be thrashed.
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