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 pillow lace 添加此单词到默认生词本

    pillow lace
    [ noun ]
    a handmade lace worked on a pillow with threads wound on bobbins; the pattern is marked out on the pillow by pins

    Pillow lace \Pil"low lace\
    Lace made by hand with bobbins on a pillow.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    Pillow \Pil"low\, n. [OE. pilwe, AS. pyle, fr. L. pilvinus.]
    1. Anything used to support the head of a person when
    reposing; especially, a sack or case filled with feathers,
    down, hair, or other soft material.

    [Resty sloth] finds the down pillow hard. --Shak.

    2. (Mach.) A piece of metal or wood, forming a support to
    equalize pressure; a brass; a pillow block. [R.]

    3. (Naut.) A block under the inner end of a bowsprit.

    4. A kind of plain, coarse fustian.

    {Lace pillow}, a cushion used in making hand-wrought lace.

    {Pillow bier} [OE. pilwebere; cf. LG. b["u]re a pillowcase],
    a pillowcase; pillow slip. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    {Pillow block} (Mach.), a block, or standard, for supporting
    a journal, as of a shaft. It is usually bolted to the
    frame or foundation of a machine, and is often furnished
    with journal boxes, and a movable cover, or cap, for
    tightening the bearings by means of bolts; -- called also
    {pillar block}, or {plumber block}.

    {Pillow lace}, handmade lace wrought with bobbins upon a lace

    {Pillow of a plow}, a crosspiece of wood which serves to
    raise or lower the beam.

    {Pillow sham}, an ornamental covering laid over a pillow when
    not in use.

    {Pillow slip}, a pillowcase.

    Lace \Lace\ (l[=a]s), n. [OE. las, OF. laz, F. lacs, dim. lacet,
    fr. L. laqueus noose, snare; prob. akin to lacere to entice.
    Cf. {Delight}, {Elicit}, {Lasso}, {Latchet}.]
    1. That which binds or holds, especially by being interwoven;
    a string, cord, or band, usually one passing through
    eyelet or other holes, and used in drawing and holding
    together parts of a garment, of a shoe, of a machine belt,

    His hat hung at his back down by a lace. --Chaucer.

    For striving more, the more in laces strong
    Himself he tied. --Spenser.

    2. A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords; a
    net. [Obs.] --Fairfax.

    Vulcanus had caught thee [Venus] in his lace.

    3. A fabric of fine threads of linen, silk, cotton, etc.,
    often ornamented with figures; a delicate tissue of
    thread, much worn as an ornament of dress.

    Our English dames are much given to the wearing of
    costly laces. --Bacon.

    4. Spirits added to coffee or some other beverage. [Old
    Slang] --Addison.

    {Alen[,c]on lace}, a kind of point lace, entirely of
    needlework, first made at Alen[,c]on in France, in the
    17th century. It is very durable and of great beauty and

    {Bone lace}, {Brussels lace}, etc. See under {Bone},
    {Brussels}, etc.

    {Gold lace}, or {Silver lace}, lace having warp threads of
    silk, or silk and cotton, and a weft of silk threads
    covered with gold (or silver), or with gilt.

    {Lace leather}, thin, oil-tanned leather suitable for cutting
    into lacings for machine belts.

    {Lace lizard} (Zo["o]l.), a large, aquatic, Australian lizard
    ({Hydrosaurus giganteus}), allied to the monitors.

    {Lace paper}, paper with an openwork design in imitation of

    {Lace piece} (Shipbuilding), the main piece of timber which
    supports the beak or head projecting beyond the stem of a

    {Lace pillow}, and {Pillow lace}. See under {Pillow}.

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