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 pantomime ['pæntәmaim]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 手势, 哑剧, 舞剧

vt. 打手势, 演哑剧

vi. 打手势, 演哑剧

    [ noun ]
    1. a performance using gestures and body movements without words

    2. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only

    2. <verb.creation> mime
      The acting students mimed eating an apple

    Pantomime \Pan"to*mime\, n. [F., fr. L. pantomimus, Gr. ?, lit.,
    all-imitating; pa^s, panto`s, all + ? to imitate: cf. It.
    pantomimo. See {Mimic}.]
    1. A universal mimic; an actor who assumes many parts; also,
    any actor. [Obs.]

    2. One who acts his part by gesticulation or dumb show only,
    without speaking; a pantomimist; a mime.

    [He] saw a pantomime perform so well that he could
    follow the performance from the action alone.

    3. A dramatic representation by actors who use only dumb
    show; a depiction of an event, narrative, or situation
    using only gestures and bodily movements, without
    speaking; hence, dumb show, generally.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    4. A dramatic and spectacular entertainment of which dumb
    acting as well as burlesque dialogue, music, and dancing
    by Clown, Harlequin, etc., are features.

    Pantomime \Pan"to*mime\, a.
    Representing only in mute actions; pantomimic; as, a
    pantomime dance.

    1. It's like a springtime pantomime. The traditional Mendelssohn ushers in a more-or-less permanent set, by Jacqueline Gunn.
    2. The Master is in a mental home, but his friend Margarita has a copy of the book. Some events seem less than relevant - the death under a tram of the president of the Writers' Union, the proposed pantomime by some of Woland's gang.
    3. It feels more child-oriented, and closer to pantomime.
    4. This is pantomime in the spring. True, Bogdanov has gone for the more licentious tales.
    5. Furthermore, there are grounds for believing that Lewis could be the first Brit to hold that title since Bob Fitzsimons in 1897. Should that happen, his earnings would make those of Frank Bruno look like pantomime takings.
    6. He will let the blisters calm down for a week, then he is off to Australia and New Zealand to promote his book, My Autobiography, before appearing alongside Rolf Harris in pantomime at Wimbledon.
    7. British pantomime takes over. Mandy Perryment strives gamely to recapture the dizzy Marilyn Monroe persona.
    8. And Bogdanov inflates chunks of it into British pantomime horseplay - to the extent of stepping out of character.
    9. Instead of trusting the natural comic irony of the piece, the producer Philipp Himmelmann loaded each scene with an extra layer of surrealist production baggage, reducing the work to the level of cheap pantomime.
    10. But Massenet could have written it in his sleep. The Saint-Etienne production, staged and designed by Adriano Sinivia, looked more like a half-baked Gozzi pantomime than a comedy of the sexes a la francaise.
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