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 pantry ['pæntri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 餐具室, 食品室

    [ noun ]
    a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

    Pantry \Pan"try\, n.; pl. {Pantries}. [OE. pantrie, F.
    paneterie, fr. panetier pantler, LL. panetarius baker,
    panetus small loaf of bread, L. panis bread. Cf. {Company},
    {Pannier}, {Pantler}.]
    An apartment or closet in which bread and other provisions
    are kept.

    1. The story also reported that Mr. deGueldre admitted to the Secret Service that he stole several pieces of the Truman china collection from a White House pantry and gave one plate to Mr. Spence.
    2. A cabinet from a butler's pantry was a gift from neighbors during their own renovation.
    3. One man stopped Mrs. Dacyczyn in church to complain that his wife, a subscriber, was making him rinse out plastic bags and hang them to dry on a clothesline in the pantry.
    4. The apron-draped chefs scurried around the alien kitchen, checking the pantry, surveying the equipment and the volunteer help.
    5. For families too proud to eat at the kitchen with its storefront windows, a food pantry was added, allowing them to slip in quietly for bags of noodles, bread and baby formula.
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