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 palolo   添加此单词到默认生词本
[动]矶沙蚕(亦作palolo worm)

    Palolo \Pa*lo"lo\, n., or Palolo worm \Palolo worm\ . [From
    native name.] (Zo["o]l.)
    A polystome worm ({Palolo viridis}) that burrows in the coral
    reefs of certain of the Pacific Islands. A little before the
    last quarter of the moon in October and November, they swarm
    in vast numbers at the surface of the sea for breeding, and
    are gathered and highly esteemed as food by the natives. An
    allied species inhabits the tropical Atlantic and swarms in
    June or July.

    Note: In the 1890 Webster, called {palola} and {Palola
    viridis}. A misspelling?
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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