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 palpable ['pælpәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 可感知的, 明显的, 触摸得到的

[医] 可触知的

    [ adj ]
    1. capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt

    2. <adj.all>
      a barely palpable dust
      felt sudden anger in a palpable wave
      the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton
      a palpable lie
    3. can be felt by palpation

    4. <adj.all>
      a palpable tumor

    Palpable \Pal"pa*ble\, a. [F. palpable, L. palpabilis, fr.
    palpare to feel, stroke; cf. palpus the soft palm of the
    1. Capable of being touched and felt; perceptible by the
    touch; as, a palpable form. --Shak.

    Darkness must overshadow all his bounds,
    Palpable darkness. --Milton.

    2. Easily perceptible; plain; distinct; obvious; readily
    perceived and detected; gross; as, palpable imposture;
    palpable absurdity; palpable errors. ``Three persons
    palpable.'' --P. Plowman.

    [Lies] gross as a mountain, open, palpable. --Shak.

    A hit, A very palpable hit. --Shak.
    -- {Pal"pa*ble*ness}, n. -- {Pal"pa*bly},

    1. The change is palpable.
    2. Some of the curves they threw might have bordered upon winsomeness, had their intentions been less definite and palpable.
    3. The relief in the screening room is palpable.
    4. His invasion of Grenada, the bombing of Libya and even his walking away from an arms deal at Reykjavik have all won palpable support from the American people.
    5. There was no palpable optimism that an offensive weapons pact can be reached in Reagan's term, but both leaders pledged to try.
    6. The Anglo-Saxons came from Germany; their cultural affinities with the Germans were still palpable as late as the 1870s, so that many British people instinctively sided with the Germans during the Franco-Prussian War.
    7. Eagerness for a May summit in Moscow is palpable.
    8. This continues to reel from the disintegration of the eastern bloc, with which Cuba did 85 per cent of its trade - much at subsidised prices - just three years ago. The deterioration even since last October is palpable.
    9. Griot New York is thrillingly danced by Fagan's superb company, whose commitment to the work is palpable and deeply moving.
    10. But suppliers agree that the effects of the recession are palpable here.
    11. Instead, hope is palpable that the president's death might somehow usher in an era of fair elections and popular civilian government.
    12. Robert Bork's palpable deference to legislatures and majorities reveals the soul of a congressman, not a high-court justice.
    13. THE RELIEF was almost palpable.
    14. Shaw believed zealously in the Superman, and it was Rodin who gave the idea of the Superman palpable form in his public monuments, blending realism and grandeur.
    15. But these differences were eclipsed by a palpable determination to have what one minister described as a "quick fix."
    16. This clear miss of last Sunday's deadline has somewhat deflated last week's palpable optimism about reaching a quick solution.
    17. They are truly desperate things, for the palpable hurt and anger they express, powerful enough even without the final fierce inscriptions, scoured out of the paint, that were Jarman's only direct contribution to the work.
    18. Magnus Lindberg's recent Quintet charged the same ensemble with continuous palpable energy, brilliantly engineered and calculated as is his wont.
    19. The envy this reader felt was palpable.
    20. Their influence in Oklahoma on Senator Boren was palpable. One such clash of the lobbying titans already endangers healthcare reform even before its unveiling.
    21. To enter it is not merely to see it, but actually to feel it, with a palpable frisson of sensibility.
    22. But since the bursting of the bubble at the end of 1989 the disillusionment over the failure to translate high economic growth into a better quality of life has become palpable.
    23. To the palpable relief of every European government the Danes have voted Yes to the Maastricht treaty.
    24. But there was a fresh and palpable desperation in the eyes of my friends when they spoke of the economy.
    25. 'We are not a property bank,' says Mr Argus with almost palpable relief.
    26. Those attacks, culminating in last Thursday's televised debate, where the mutual dislike was palpable, backfired.
    27. When coal miners' strikes broke out in the Kuzbass region in 1989, Mr. Kotkin at first expected the steel workers of Magnitogorsk to take action themselves, given "the palpable atmosphere of social tension and the sheer number of workers."
    28. Hungarian anxieties are most palpable in and around Tirgu Mures.
    29. But a visit to Panmunjom, where the constant tension between the communists and the joint U.S.-South Korean forces is palpable, makes it easier to understand these feelings.
    30. "A palpable sense of urgency surrounds the `Spirit of the Forest' campaign," said the statement.
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