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 overhauling 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 彻底检修, 彻底检查

[化] 大修; 拆修; 卸修; 翻修

[经] 船舶大修

    Overhaul \O`ver*haul"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Overhauled}; p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Overhauling}.]
    1. To haul or drag over; hence, to turn over for examination;
    to inspect; to examine thoroughly with a view to
    corrections or repairs.

    2. (Naut.) To gain upon in a chase; to overtake.

    3. To repair thoroughly; to make repairs on; -- usually
    implying major repairs and perhaps modifying improvements.

    {To overhaul a tackle}, to pull on the leading parts so as to
    separate the blocks.

    {To overhaul running rigging}, to keep it clear, and see that
    no hitch occurs.

    Overhaul \O"ver*haul`\, Overhauling \O`ver*haul"ing\, n.
    1. A strict examination with a view to correction or repairs.

    2. A major repair or a revision for the purpose of

    1. Mr. Nikonov, 60 years old, appears to have lost a tussle with Mr. Ligachev over who should be in charge of overhauling the nation's beleaguered farming system.
    2. She was relegated to the sidelines on the second, with then-Treasury Secretary James A. Baker III using the plant closing notices as the primary reason for Reagan to veto legislation overhauling the nation's trade laws.
    3. That, he said, is why Unisys is overhauling its whole business: It needs to prepare for a world in which profit margins will be lower than computer companies have been used to.
    4. But overhauling Dean Witter came at a price.
    5. BR said yesterday it accepted the inquiry's findings and was overhauling the tunnel's safety at a cost of more than Pounds 6.5m.
    6. Robert Gates, who after stormy hearings was confirmed by the Senate last night as the new director of central intelligence, will be the man largely responsible for overhauling this intelligence machine.
    7. Examples include overhauling engines, distributing aircraft parts, modifying cargo doors and training pilots.
    8. President Mikhail S. Gorbachev will implement a drastic economic reforms in July that include selling state-owned enterprises and overhauling government-set prices to reflect market forces, media reports said.
    9. House and Senate negotiators came close to sealing a deal last week on overhauling the nation's welfare system, but failed at least partly because of President Reagan's continued insistence that it include some form of work requirement.
    10. He said the West German government shouldn't raise taxes to finance the cost of integrating and overhauling East Germany, but should be willing to broaden its budget deficit if necessary.
    11. With new emphasis on government integrity and with memories of the expensive, negative 1986 midterm elections still fresh, there is growing support for overhauling the way congressional election campaigns are financed.
    12. But even aides to Chief of Staff Donald Regan admit that overhauling the budget process, his pet project, holds little prospect of capturing the country's imagination.
    13. It's going to take a while." Shearson is overhauling much of its operations since American Express stepped in to take full control of the struggling firm suffering the effects of overexpansion and management problems in the 1980s.
    14. He said the bank will concentrate on overhauling its retail organization in big French cities, such as Lille or Lyon, where it is already strong, and on the Paris region, where it has a leading market share of about 13%.
    15. The Russian aversion to bond markets is fading amid talk of overhauling the rigid Soviet banking system, says Jan Vanous, an economist at Planecon, a Washington-based research institute.
    16. The banking committee begins work today on overhauling the bank industry.
    17. Sears, in fact, has been completely overhauling its buying approach, including recruiting several buyers and managers from department and specialty stores.
    18. 'There has to be a further shake-out in the whole shipbuilding and refitting industry,' a senior ministry official said this week. At the start of the decade, more than 30,000 were employed building and overhauling ships for the navy.
    19. The report called for overhauling the SDI program to emphasize research into promising new technologies, rather than development of existing systems.
    20. Some of the biggest donors connected to the Pennzoil case agree that the Texas judicial system needs overhauling.
    21. In addition to mounting a frontal assault on Tropicana, Mr. Teasley took his unit by storm, overhauling top management and switching to an all-broker sales force, eliminating about 110 sales jobs.
    22. One sticky issue will be overhauling the controversial insurance program that was passed just last year to cover catastrophic illnesses.
    23. The Commission was not yet ready to propose something more radical, such as an EC-wide pricing system, because that would involve overhauling national social security systems.
    24. American endeavors have included helping Panama set up a new police force, assisting El Salvador on upgrading its deficient judicial system and instructing Afghanistan on overhauling its irrigation system.
    25. Indeed, Newport News recently decided not to bid at all for the job of overhauling the nuclear submarine John Adams because it was convinced it couldn't outbid the Navy.
    26. Diamandis Communications Inc. is overhauling its American Photographer magazine in a move to attract a wider audience of photography professionals and general readers and to boost ad sales.
    27. These include lowering stillhigh tariffs to promote industrial efficiency, overhauling India's heavily regulated financial system and privatizing some inefficient state enterprises.
    28. Initially skeptical about whether Mr. Gorbachev was serious about overhauling his nation's politics and economy, U.S. officials now focus on how to bolster his efforts.
    29. Robb was a popular governor who was credited with overhauling the state bureaucracy and making major gains in education funding.
    30. The Labor Department's Mine Safety and Health Administration released a proposal Tuesday that would reduce the permitted level of dust in mines as part of a general overhauling of workplace air quality standards.
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