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 overhead ['әuvәhed]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 经常开支, 普通用费, 天花板

a. 在头上的, 高架的

ad. 在头顶上, 在空中, 在高处, 从头到脚全部没入地

[计] 总开销; 额外开销

[化] 塔顶馏出物; 高出地面的; 架设的; 架空的

[经] 间接费用, 制造费用

    [ noun ]
    1. the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes

    2. <noun.possession>
    3. (computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command

    4. <noun.time>
    5. (computer science) the disk space required for information that is not data but is used for location and timing

    6. <noun.location>
    7. a transparency for use with an overhead projector

    8. <noun.artifact>
    9. (nautical) the top surface of an enclosed space on a ship

    10. <noun.artifact>
    11. a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head

    12. <noun.act>
    [ adj ]
    1. located or originating from above

    2. <adj.all>
      an overhead crossing
    [ adv ]
    1. above your head; in the sky

    2. <adv.all>
      planes were flying overhead
    3. above the head; over the head

    4. <adv.all>
      bring the legs together overhead

    Overhead \O`ver*head"\, adv.
    Aloft; above; in or attached to the ceiling or roof; in the
    story or upon the floor above; in the zenith.

    While overhead the moon
    Sits arbitress. --Milton.

    Note: Also used adjectively; as, an overhead crane, gear,

    {Overhead engine}, a vertical steam engine in which the
    cylinder stands above the crank.

    {Overhead work}, a general term in manufactories for
    countershafting and gearing, when overhead.

    overhead \o"ver*head`\, n.
    1. same as {overhead expenses}.

    2. A compartment on a train, bus, or airplane used for
    storage of luggage or accessory equipment; called also
    overhead compartment.

    3. (Sports) A stroke with a racket in which the ball is
    struck with the racket over the head, moving in a downward
    motion; also called overhead stroke.

    1. The Panamanian Defense Forces in turn condemned the blockade, during which Panamanian troops trained anti-aircraft weapons on U.S. helicopters circling overhead.
    2. A bankruptcy judge refused to approve $3 million the professionals requested, including $1,200-an-hour in-office strategy sessions, a $275 bill for dinner for two and hundreds of thousands of dollars in overhead costs.
    3. The company said it reduced interest expense 16% during the fiscal period and cut operating overhead significantly at its main subsidiary, Frank's Nursery & Crafts.
    4. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that every 1 percent decline in ozone overhead means an eventual increase in skin cancer of 5 percent to 6 percent.
    5. Trading volume quadrupled amid the biggest bull market here in recent memory, but the competitive free-for-all slashed commission rates, raised overhead and decimated profits.
    6. Aided by a narrowing of premiums on forward deliveries and caution ahead of the expiry of US and Chilean labour contracts at the end of this month, the price broke overhead resistance at the equivalent of Dollars 1,850 a tonne in midweek.
    7. The Defense Contract Audit Agency recently recommended disallowing $20.9 million in MIT research-related expenses submitted for the current fiscal year, including certain administrative, library and other overhead costs.
    8. He said Family Media's staff is lean, with overhead costs that are minuscule compared with Time's.
    9. It cut overhead for the pest-control business by merging it into ServiceMaster's Terminix division.
    10. The combined company could also "sharply reduce overhead and possibly even buy more advantageously since the same merchandise is often displayed in both stores," said Kurt Barnard of Retail Marketing Report, a newsletter.
    11. Republican tricolours fly above the rooftops. Army helicopters circled overhead as troops ran through side streets.
    12. Seagulls screamed overhead and excited Latin rhythms floated on the mild winter air from truck radios. On the beach, one of the Mexicans threw a metal grill over a fire of broken fruit crates.
    13. Army units equipped with tear gas were deployed nearby, and police helicopters flew overhead.
    14. It accuses McDonnell employees of "reckless, wanton and gross negligence" in violating statutes and industry standards for operation of an overhead crane.
    15. Esrey blamed the earnings drop on high overhead and one-time costs.
    16. Eight officers searched the roof and the store, a police helicopter circled overhead and two police dogs sniffed about, but the burglar could not be found, Asper said.
    17. Two men drove a one-ton truck through an overhead garage door and pistol-whipped two guards in that robbery.
    18. The settings drifted towards naturalistic illusion: best of all was the leafy canopy for Act 2, an overhead sea of undulating green umbrellas.
    19. At midnight, it is halfway between the southern horizon and a point directly overhead.
    20. Operating profit rose 41% for Georgia-Pacific's pulp and paper business to $116 million before taxes, interest expense and corporate overhead.
    21. The news conference was interrupted for 1 minute and 34 seconds, but then resumed even as helicopters roared overhead, dropping bombs and rocketing the slopes of a volcano where rebels were believed to be hiding.
    22. "We've come a long way," said an ever-optimistic Lindi Kirkbride. "We may stop it this time." Meanwhile, the helicopters fly overhead and armed guards in military vans patrol the ranch's gravel roads.
    23. Arena backers are nervously proceeding with plans to display the carrier's name on thousands of ceramic floor tiles, on the roof for overhead flights to see, emblazoned across center court and rigged on metal signs above each entrance.
    24. Because of GM's high overhead and labor costs, the company is expected to lose as much as $2.8 billion this year, the most of the Big Three.
    25. For much of the night, Kabul echoed to machine-gun and artillery fire, while red and yellow flares hung overhead.
    26. Memorial services were held and some flags flew at half-staff; but shoppers thronged the main street as crying seagulls drifted overhead.
    27. Meanwhile, the new chief executive is implementing a productivity program and cost-cutting effort designed to cut fixed overhead by 2% this year.
    28. An air force helicopter passed high overhead, out of range of rebel groundfire.
    29. A drunken teen-ager was critically injured when he struck an overhead electric cable while playing atop a parked Long Island Rail Road train in Penn Station, a spokesman said Tuesday.
    30. A typical system with five workstations would cost DM 250,000. This overhead means that only large users - those translating more than 2,000 pages a year - would benefit from buying their own equipment.
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