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 ornament ['ɔrnəmənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 装饰, 点缀品, 教堂用品

vt. 装饰, 修饰

    [ noun ]
    1. something used to beautify

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.

    2. <verb.creation> adorn beautify decorate embellish grace
      Decorate the room for the party
      beautify yourself for the special day
    3. be an ornament to

    4. <verb.stative>
      stars ornamented the Christmas tree

    ornament \or"na*ment\, n. [OE. ornement, F. ornement, fr. L.
    ornamentum, fr. ornare to adorn.]
    That which embellishes or adorns; that which adds grace or
    beauty; embellishment; decoration; adornment.

    The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. --1 Pet. iii.

    Like that long-buried body of the king
    Found lying with his urns and ornaments. --Tennyson.

    ornament \or"na*ment\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ornamented}; p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Ornamenting}.]
    To adorn; to deck; to embellish; to beautify; as, to ornament
    a room, or a city.

    Syn: See {Adorn}.

    1. Incidentally, if you should notice an elderly gent wheeling around Muskogee in a blue pickup with a big yellow palomino horse for a hood ornament, that will be Wilbur Wright's brother, Orville.
    2. Last year's ornament was a colorful presidential seal.
    3. With a hard-bristle brush, he presses the Dutch metal onto the railing ornament, carefully working it into each groove of its acanthusleaf pattern.
    4. Looking at sculpture and carved ornament, how well do we appreciate the challenges which the materials posed their makers?
    5. One Hallmark offering shows a dazed cat with a stocking cap swinging on an ornament attached to Christmas tree lights.
    6. There are no bedizenings to the vocal lines apart from touches of ornament.
    7. Mrs. Bush and 3-year-old granddaughter Marshall Bush will ride a hydraulic lift Monday to place the ornament atop the 38-foot living tree on the Ellipse across from the White House.
    8. But, as with a lot of specialty advertising, the message can seem inappropriate for the item: one ornament was stamped "Morton Salt Safety Program."
    9. In writing "Alceste," Gluck intentionally stripped his opera of superfluous vocal ornament and wearisome spectacles, the better to project intensity of feeling and to etch the drama.
    10. Planes, cars and domestic appliances are shown to be no less significant bearers of ornament in the 20th century than furniture, textiles and ceramics. Classical architecture provided the Western world with its most enduring design vocabularly.
    11. For the tenth year in a row, Mrs. Bush late today will place the main ornament on the top of the National Christmas which grows in the Ellipse behind the White House.
    12. Orders should specify item No. 8871 for the ornament with the contemporary Christmas stamp or item No. 8872 for the traditional stamp.
    13. They expressed resentment that the American media didn't play up the arrest of two U.S. Olympic swimmers for removing a lion's head ornament from a Seoul hotel lobby.
    14. As lively, at least, as a hood ornament.
    15. And the means by which he did so are fascinatingly similar to Hemingway's, which involved throwing away the "scrollwork or ornament" and starting with a "true simple declarative sentence."
    16. "Tax equity is not an ornament for Democrats," says Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin.
    17. The word ornament lost its association with state-of-the-art design and came to conjure up awful images of knick-knacks on the mantelpiece. Today, the language of ornament is deemed to be worth relearning.
    18. The word ornament lost its association with state-of-the-art design and came to conjure up awful images of knick-knacks on the mantelpiece. Today, the language of ornament is deemed to be worth relearning.
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