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 ornate [ɒ:'neit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 装饰的, 华丽的

    [ adj ]
    marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details
    a flowery speechornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato

    Ornate \Or*nate"\, v. t.
    To adorn; to honor. [R.]

    They may ornate and sanctify the name of God.

    Ornate \Or*nate"\, a. [L. ornatus, p. p. of ornare to adorn.]
    1. Elaborately adorned or decorated; beautifully sumptuous.
    ``So bedecked, ornate, and gay.'' --Milton.

    2. Finely finished, as a style of composition.

    A graceful and ornate rhetoric. --Milton.

    1. Set in an ornate Italian villa in which the designer Hugh Landwehr has included echoes of the Gothic and baroque, it tells the story of Death, in the person of Christopher Reeve, deciding to take a three-day holiday.
    2. The design (Julian McGowan), of ornate statuary dotted around marble halls, is subverted by the frock-coats and laurels of the Romans.
    3. From below, the view is breathtaking: the ornate architecture of the Louvre's twin towers looms against the ever-changing grays of the Paris sky.
    4. Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos said they were simple folks, but they lived in an ornate citadel of self-glorification from which they ruled the Philippines with a curious mixture of dictatorship and flexibility, reform and stagnation.
    5. With his wife Kitty standing at his side in the ornate Roosevelt Room of the White House, Brady, 58, was sworn in by retired Supreme Court Justice Warren E. Burger.
    6. It is an opportunity, a challenge," he told senators, deputies and guests in the ornate, chandeliered chamber.
    7. Angus has offered his ornate theater, completed in 1907, as a permanent touring base.
    8. With 15 television cameras trained on him and scores of baffled tourists wandering through, Wright signed the massive bill at a ceremony in ornate Statuary Hall near the House chamber.
    9. Meyers said there were only 14 votes against changing the bylaws to admit women among the nearly 800 members attending the meeting at the club's ornate mansion on Washington's Embassy Row.
    10. A few years ago, French brought out Vive La Dijon! in an ornate jar with a crown engraved in the glass.
    11. The Reichstag is the expected seat of the Parliament of a united Germany, although officials say it will take years to renovate the ornate building.
    12. In his show in the Plaza Hotel's ornate ballroom, Oscar de la Renta said goodbye to the ball gown.
    13. Many of the buildings along the planned parade route remain roped off, still too dangerous to enter, and the ornate City Hall is so badly damaged it may never reopen.
    14. Democracy Central here is an ornate four-story building where the fledgling grass-roots political movement Sajudis uses high- and low-tech to get its message across in the drive for Lithuania's independence.
    15. Dyk arranged a demonstration one year ago of how television cameras could operate in the high court's stately and ornate chamber.
    16. With ornate interior woodwork and leaded glass, it looks little different than it did when it opened in a time when granite fueled the local economy and stones were shipped by the millions to pave the streets of New York.
    17. But it was standing room only at a session last week in the Copley Plaza Hotel's ornate ballroom.
    18. When it opens, the Opera-Bastille will be the only opera house in Paris and the ornate old Palais Garnier, the Paris Opera, which will be reserved for dance.
    19. In a private ceremony, Souter will take the constitutional oath all federal employees take, and minutes later take a judicial oath during a public ceremony in the court's ornate courtroom.
    20. A carnival atmosphere developed as Lewis, Chewning and Kennedy alternately met with reporters in the ornate lobby of the OAS building, while musicians, waiters and waitresses prepared one floor above for a dinner-dance.
    21. But the many government and monumental buildings of Pyongyang are breathtaking examples of socialist-realism, complete with high ceilings, ornate moldings and chandeliers.
    22. He doted on Watteau's delicately enigmatic paintings and collected ornate snuff boxes that have fetched $1 million apiece at auction.
    23. In contrast to the ornate Metropolitan Museum and its art treasures, Governors Island is a modest Coast Guard base that was built up with dredge and rock excavated from New York subway construction.
    24. The automaton writes poems in elegant, fluid script and surrounds them with ornate borders.
    25. Houphouet-Boigny wants to make the village the nation's capital. He already has built several large, ornate buildings, and workers recently completed construction of a basilica that rivals St. Peter's in the Vatican in size.
    26. Gaudy, ornate, peculiar, tacky and ordinary all apply.
    27. Each step requires a tightly choreographed ballet between the virus's own genes and the chemicals it makes _ an ornate, even beautiful, interplay of molecular thermostats and feedback loops that nudge the virus to life, fire it up and quiet it down.
    28. Eight remote-control cameras have been installed in the ornate chamber, and the air conditioning has been improved to cope with the heat from the Chinese lantern-shaped TV lights.
    29. Inside the Capitol, Bush went to the ornate President's Room to sign a proclamation making Sunday a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving and to send Congress the formal batch of nominations for his Cabinet and other high-level jobs.
    30. They attended a forum with some 80 lawmakers, governors, academics and businessmen in the ornate Senate Caucus Room to discuss their plans.
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