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 opportunities 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Opportunity \Op`por*tu"ni*ty\, n.; pl. {Opportunities}. [F.
    opportunit['e], L. opportunitas. See {Opportune}.]
    1. Fit or convenient time or situation; a time or place
    permitting or favorable for the execution of a purpose; a
    suitable combination of conditions; suitable occasion;
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    A wise man will make more opportunities than he
    finds. --Bacon.

    2. Convenience of situation; fitness. [Obs.]

    Hull, a town of great strength and opportunity, both
    to sea and land affairs. --Milton.

    3. Importunity; earnestness. [Obs.] --Jer. Taylor.

    Syn: Occasion; convenience; occurrence.

    Usage: {Opportunity}, {Occasion}. An occasion is that which
    falls in our way, or presents itself in the course of
    events; an opportunity is a convenience or fitness of
    time, place, etc., for the doing of a thing. Hence,
    occasions often make opportunities. The occasion of
    sickness may give opportunity for reflection.

    1. "If that gets reversed, we'll have some opportunities here."
    2. 'And you also wonder whether there really are that many opportunities out there in the first place.' THERE is no better measure of Saudi Arabia's business buoyancy than its stock market.
    3. This seems to me desperately stupid and short-sighted,' she says. From the banks' point of view, Bridgewater's experience would suggest missed opportunities.
    4. People need people, a national strategy for the requirement, and the opportunities, for volunteers was introduced on Monday by Ken Bruce, and continued through the week by him and others with helpful information.
    5. "U.S. companies are aggressively pursuing opportunities in the Japanese market," the trade group said.
    6. With those advantages and the opportunities for running the acquired businesses without overheads rising proportionally, Mr Mills-Baker said he was pleased to have outbid the other interested companies, both UK and non-UK.
    7. 'We have the resources on tap, they get the career opportunities,' says Mr Gunn. Athesa's sister company, the People Plus head-hunters, are part of the partnership.
    8. Workfare also provides job knowledge and contacts that can create job opportunities.
    9. More typical reports in the state-run media have said the April 14 Geneva agreement, which commits the Soviets to a pullout, increases opportunities for a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan's 10-year-old civil war.
    10. Rolf Noppen, executive vice president and a director, resigned to pursue other opportunities.
    11. But Mr. Tsongas may not be in a position to reap the benefit of these opportunities.
    12. To address the labor shortages, Ms. McCarthy said she believed the industry must create, preserve and expand educational opportunities for people interested in pursuing health-care careers.
    13. Whitmore said the purchase of Sterling was consistent with Kodak's strategy for chemical sciences, would give the company a "highly profitable revenue stream" and offers opportunities for cutting costs by eliminating overlaps.
    14. But potential losses mount when the cost of war coverage, and the lost opportunities to plug midseason replacements, are added in.
    15. Known as the Meisner effect, this creates opportunities for cryocoolers in magnetically levitated transport (Maglev) and for levitating flywheels to store cheap energy for electric cars, says Lockerby.
    16. The opportunities are more available for them now than in the past," Cleveland said.
    17. This one makes it possible for us to explore opportunities.'
    18. The press material stresses the opportunities the film has given to unknown black actors, including Mr. Murphy's romantic co-star, Shari Headley, who was chosen from more than 1,000 candidates.
    19. "I've walked away from a lot of opportunities and made a lot of sacrifices because of my family.
    20. The carrier "gets an investment in an airline that can seize opportunities Cathay couldn't take," says Rod Eddington, Cathay's deputy managing director.
    21. What had been viewed as a problem was really an opportunity _ in fact, dozens of opportunities.
    22. They also allow investors to take advantage of profit opportunities world-wide.
    23. But the greatest opportunities still lie within the rail industry, say rail executives, to squeeze out inefficiency and move more freight with fewer assets.
    24. The Tribal Appellate Court ordered FMC to choose qualified Indians for 75 percent of new jobs and all new promotions, give local Indians one-third of all training opportunities, and pay a $100,000 annual fee.
    25. Mr. Mitchell of Security Pacific said, "The dollar moved far less against the yen in a relative sense than against the European currencies, which meant that there were some good arbitrage opportunities which popped up occasionally."
    26. Theoretically, the proposed mega-merger would open up new opportunities for smaller and regional food companies.
    27. Never have punters had so many opportunities to be parted from their money.
    28. The council issued four policy statements on its domestic priorities, including one on the needs of working families that called for passage of bills guaranteeing parental leave and expanding day care opportunities.
    29. Mr. Scott said Triton is "actively pursuing a number of other" acquisition opportunities.
    30. It said it will look at opportunities in brewing, property and energy resources to the extent consistent with the dominant objective of manageable debt-to-assets ratios.
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