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 oppose [ə'poz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 反对, 以...对抗, 抗争

vi. 反对

[法] 反对, 反抗, 阻挠


    Oppose \Op*pose"\ ([o^]p*p[=o]z"), v. i.
    1. To be set opposite. --Shak.

    2. To act adversely or in opposition; -- with against or to;
    as, a servant opposed against the act. [Obs.] --Shak.

    3. To make objection or opposition in controversy.

    Oppose \Op*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Opposed}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Opposing}.] [F. opposer. See {Ob-}, {Pose}, and cf.2d
    {Appose}, {Puzzle}, n. Cf.L. opponere, oppositum.]
    1. To place in front of, or over against; to set opposite; to

    Her grace sat down . . .
    In a rich chair of state; opposing freely
    The beauty of her person to the people. --Shak.

    2. To put in opposition, with a view to counterbalance or
    countervail; to set against; to offer antagonistically.

    I may . . . oppose my single opinion to his.

    3. To resist or antagonize by physical means, or by
    arguments, etc.; to contend against; to confront; to
    resist; to withstand; as, to oppose the king in battle; to
    oppose a bill in Congress.

    4. To compete with; to strive against; as, to oppose a rival
    for a prize.

    I am . . . too weak
    To oppose your cunning. --Shak.

    Syn: To combat; withstand; contradict; deny; gainsay; oppugn;
    contravene; check; obstruct.

    1. But Jenkins said there are "powerful forces" in Iran who "continue to oppose any kind of rapprochement with the West." "None of the alternatives look very promising," Jenkins wrote.
    2. They wanted the Pact to oppose the West's demand that a unified Germany join NATO.
    3. After the figures were given, analysts lifted full-year forecasts to around Pounds 209m. Television shares were boosted by growing optimism that the government will not oppose mergers within the industry.
    4. Bilak, 71, is a party ideologist linked to the late Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev and was believed to oppose economic reforms favored by Lubomir Strougal, the premier who resigned in October.
    5. Norton said it would "vigorously oppose" the BTR suit, and filed its own suit in federal court in Boston seeking to enjoin BTR's tender offer and to stop BTR from soliciting proxies.
    6. Dorothea Thomas-Vitrac, a New Braintree selectman, said the town did oppose some of the condominium and recreational development proposals put forth by Striar and Jacobson.
    7. And a few lawmakers say they oppose the bills despite personal experience with the needs of those with disabilities.
    8. The group immediately turned over the potentially explosive information to the office of Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, the liberal Ohio Democrat who was most likely to oppose the nominee in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
    9. "We do not oppose the measure," Mr. Glauber said.
    10. "The real question is whether you want to be the only market" to oppose the plan, he said.
    11. Avril said he would not oppose international supervision of elections. "We are not hanging on to power," he said.
    12. Democrats said more Republicans may oppose the measure rather than accept the racial provision.
    13. And even if no defectors do, strategists reason, they will be far less likely to oppose President Reagan when he selects a new Supreme Court nominee if they have formally opposed the president once already.
    14. Many descendants of the freed Americans slaves who founded Liberia oppose Doe's government.
    15. Three provinces, Manitoba, Newfoundland and New Brunswick, oppose the Meech Lake Accord.
    16. We don't oppose foreign investment.
    17. Of those surveyed, 58% oppose a stimulative fiscal package.
    18. Hun Sen and Vietnam oppose major U.N. participation unless the Cambodian seat in the United Nations, now held by Sihanouk's coalition, is vacated.
    19. The other five teachers' unions all support the proposed review body. The NUT also decided yesterday to oppose the introduction of teacher appraisal unless the government withdraws its proposal to link it to discretionary pay awards.
    20. The rest either ignore him or tell him they oppose his position.
    21. Observer hears that his independently minded mates in the upper house had wanted to do a deal with the Tory rebels who oppose the government's leasehold reforms.
    22. Col. Moammar Gadhafi is its heaven-sent ruler and no one dares oppose him. Mauritania has plunged from one military coup into another.
    23. The United States and China both oppose Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia.
    24. The Marines rejected his request for objector status, saying it was based on political rather than moral considerations, saying they thought Paterson didn't oppose war in all forms and wasn't sincere in his beliefs.
    25. The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee is poised to oppose the B-2 bomber, according to congressional sources.
    26. French officials have depicted themselves as in the middle regarding sanctions against South Africa, with Britain on one side favoring the rapid lifting of sanctions while Denmark and the Netherlands oppose any easing of restrictions now.
    27. Appraisal groups, for instance, oppose mandatory licensing as proposed by Rep. Barnard.
    28. Asked if the Communists oppose reunification, Gysi told the newspaper: "No, not at all.
    29. Publicly, administration officials all say they oppose any effort to raise the top rate.
    30. Reagan was said to oppose any delay in imposing Gramm-Rudman, and Senate approval of any postponement was called unlikely.
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