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 opaline ['opl.ɪn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乳色玻璃

[医] 乳光的, 蛋白石的

    [ adj ]
    having a play of lustrous rainbow colors
    an iridescent oil slicknacreous (or pearlescent) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl
    a milky opalescent (or opaline) luster

    Opaline \O"pal*ine\, a. [Cf. F. opalin.]
    Of, pertaining to, or like, opal in appearance; having
    changeable colors like those of the opal.

    Opaline \O"pal*ine\, n.
    1. An opaline variety of yellow chalcedony.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    2. Opal glass.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    3. An opaline color or expanse.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. The bottle is made from an opaline substance that changes colour to ensure that each one is unique. Eden has already beaten its sales targets across Europe, according to Klarsfeld.
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