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 opaque [әu'peik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不透明物

a. 不透明的, 不传热的, 不传导的, 阴暗的

[计] 白底

[化] 不透明的

[医] 不透光的, 不透明的

    [ adj ]
    1. not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy; impenetrable to sight

    2. <adj.all>
      opaque windows of the jail
      opaque to X-rays
    3. not clearly understood or expressed

    4. <adj.all>

    Opaque \O*paque"\, a. [F., fr. L. opacus. Cf. {Opacous}.]
    1. Impervious to the rays of light; not transparent; as, an
    opaque substance.

    2. Obscure; not clear; unintelligible. [Colloq.]

    Opaque \O*paque"\, n.
    That which is opaque; opacity. --Young.

    1. Picasso painted "Acrobat and Young Harlequin" in 1905 in his Paris attic studio at 13 rue Ravignon using gouache, an opaque watercolor easier to handle than oil paint.
    2. He has to make himself as opaque as he possibly can, in order to keep you interested in him.
    3. The country needs a clear line of political command, not the opaque policymaking of a faction-ridden LDP.
    4. It produces one of the most opaque balance sheets of any important company in Hong Kong.
    5. Procedures are excessively opaque and unnec-essarily open to manipulation.
    6. This is because the system of telling you what you fork out is opaque.
    7. And finally there is the question of what kind of plastic bag, clear or opaque.
    8. Nor does the book explain the opaque system for getting hold of real estate, which is a critical hurdle for British retailers wishing to set up in Moscow.
    9. They are unlikely to have acquired the business acumen to spot a bad deal. The problem lies in the opaque nature of leasing contracts which often omit the cost of the equipment, the implied interest rate and the charges on early termination.
    10. Besides the opaque filters and welder's goggles used at the museum, simple pinhole cameras were set up to reflect the eclipse on the back wall of a box.
    11. But some publishers say the lighter paper is more vulnerable to breaking on presses and, because it is less opaque, more susceptible to print "show-through," thus reducing print quality and possibly scaring away some advertisers.
    12. This last one is less opaque, as it usually means there has been a mighty row. The reluctance to explain is regrettable.
    13. This is because they are opaque to X-rays and appear as large white masses on the mammograms, thereby obscuring the small white spots that may indicate early breast tumors.
    14. City Council has amended a pornography ordinance that previously specified what body parts had to be covered but not that the covering had to be opaque.
    15. Unlike fairy tales, the meaning of "Into the Woods" is as opaque as the forest into which its characters have wandered.
    16. The financial system is reverting to old habits, becoming more opaque, and increasingly serving institutions rather than investors.
    17. And they are more likely to have a UK contact point, which should make the administration of your investment easier. The costs of offshore funds - management, administration and dealing - can be more opaque than those on unit and investment trusts.
    18. Moreover the proprietary nature of the product designs based upon OTC contracts means the propositions are becoming increasingly opaque, even to experts. We just hope that the rocket scientists will not reinvent the nuclear bomb by accident.
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