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 nirvana [nә:'vɑ:nә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 天堂

    [ noun ]
    1. (Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation; characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness

    2. <noun.state>
    3. any place of complete bliss and delight and peace

    4. <noun.location>

    Nirvana \Nir*va"na\, n. [Skr. nirv[=a][.n]a.]
    In the Buddhist system of religion, the final emancipation of
    the soul from transmigration, and consequently a beatific
    enfrachisement from the evils of worldly existence, as by
    annihilation or absorption into the divine. See {Buddhism}.

    1. "It was a marketer's nirvana," says Wes Bray, managing partner of Market Growth Resources in Wilton, Conn., a consumer goods marketing consultant.
    2. Along with real GDP growth of 3 1/2 per cent per annum, this would seem to be the British equivalent of economic nirvana. Unfortunately, old British problems are likely to experience several reincarnations before then.
    3. And cynic that I am, my eyes fill with tears. This is not to suggest that South Africa has overnight attained national nirvana.
    4. A master of the art might even learn to see all the honking and crowding as a path to enlightenment _ a sort of nirvana on wheels.
    5. Nearly every day, Carol Cramer comes to the Paradise Shopping Center to buy her piece of nirvana.
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