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 Nisan   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the seventh month of the civil year; the first month of the ecclesiastic year (in March and April)

    Nisan \Ni"san\, n. [Heb. n[=i]s[=a]n.]
    The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, formerly
    answering nearly to the month of April, now to March, of the
    Christian calendar. See {Abib}.

    Abib \A"bib\, n. [Heb. ab[=i]b, lit. an ear of corn. The month
    was so called from barley being at that time in ear.]
    The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year,
    corresponding nearly to our April. After the Babylonish
    captivity this month was called {Nisan}. --Kitto.

    1. Holocaust Day comes on the 27th day of the Hebrew lunar month of Nisan _ the timing set by Parliament to fall between the anniversary of the 1943 Warsaw Jewish Ghetto uprising against the Nazis and Israel's Independence Day.
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