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 mri   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the use of nuclear magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density images

    magnetic resonance imaging \mag*net"ic res"on*ance im"ag*ing\ n.
    a medical diagnostic procedure utilizing the phenomenon of
    {nuclear magnetic resonance} to generate images of internal
    parts of the body. It depends on the differential absorption
    of electromagnetic radiation by different types of living
    tissue in a magnetic field. It is complementary to X-ray
    imaging in that the softer tissue show more prominently in
    magnetic resonance images, rather than bone, as with X-rays.
    It is a non-invasive procedure, allowing such images to be
    obtained without penetration of the tissue by objects. It is
    abbreviated {MRI}. As with {computerized tomography}, the
    results are usually presented as images of sequential planar
    sections of that part of the body of concern to the

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