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 MRT 添加此单词到默认生词本
Mass Rapid Transit 大规模快运系统

    1. But no one is putting money on that deadline being met either. The Dollars 16.6bn Taipei MRT was to have been the centrepiece of Taiwan's Dollars 300bn, six-year national infrastructure development plan, announced in 1990 with great fanfare.
    2. Potential cost savings are estimated to be several billion dollars. MRT makes use of cavity-like molecules called ligands.
    3. It also makes the extraction of strategic and precious metals more economic. Molecular recognition technology (MRT) is the brainchild of Reed Izatt and Jeremy Bradshaw, professors of chemistry at Brigham Young University in Utah.
    4. Singapore has called for tenders for two light-rail train (LRT) systems which will serve as feeder services to stations on the existing mass rapid transit (MRT) rail network.
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