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 morosely 添加此单词到默认生词本
愁眉苦脸地, 忧郁地

    [ adv ]
    in a morose manner
    he fell morosely on the bed

    Morosely \Mo*rose"ly\, adv.
    Sourly; with sullen austerity.

    1. Morrow, as the young doctor, is very good, even in a script that after a few nice touches of whimsy just sort of wanders off to a finale featuring a town festival where our hero munches morosely on a mooseburger.
    2. John Thaw's Inspector Morse continues, in his morosely attractive way, to be the main reason for tuning in.
    3. As the only two people in one tour who didn't cancel their trip through southern China, Christopher and Gerdy Gouw of Lehighton, Pa., have a guide all to themselves, a young man who hangs morosely on the railing of a Li River sightseeing boat.
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