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 morph   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 形态, 词态

    [ verb ]
    1. cause to change shape in a computer animation

    2. <verb.change>
      The computer programmer morphed the image
    3. change shape as via computer animation

    4. <verb.change>
      In the video, Michael Jackson morphed into a panther

    morph \morph\ (m[^o]rf), n. (Linguistics)
    A sequence of phonemes, often a word fragment, which
    constitutes the minimum unit of meaning or syntax within a
    given word. A morph may be one of several variants of a
    morpheme, depending for its individal form on the context in
    which it occurs. Thus the morphs -s and -es are variants of
    the morpheme by which the plural form of an English noun is

    morph \morph\ (m[^o]rf), v. i. & t.
    To transform smoothly in imperceptible steps from one image
    to another, on a computer screen.

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