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 minstrel ['minstrәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 吟游诗人

    [ noun ]
    1. a singer of folk songs

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a performer in a minstrel show

    4. <noun.person>
    [ verb ]
    1. celebrate by singing, in the style of minstrels

    2. <verb.creation>

    Minstrel \Min"strel\, n. [OE. minstrel, menestral, OF.
    menestrel, fr. LL. ministerialis servant, workman (cf.
    ministrellus harpist), fr. L. ministerium service. See
    {Ministry}, and cf. {Ministerial}.]
    In the Middle Ages, one of an order of men who subsisted by
    the arts of poetry and music, and sang verses to the
    accompaniment of a harp or other instrument; in modern times,
    a poet; a bard; a singer and harper; a musician. --Chaucer.

    1. One way of looking at Jackson's transmogrification is to see it as the continuation of an old American tradition: the 19th-century minstrel show.
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