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 Mintz 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Mintz)人名;(德、英、以)明茨

  1. When Mr. Schwartz, already dressed in his business suit, trudged into the locker room, Alan Mintz, still in his sweaty gym clothes, made a beeline for the boss.
    施瓦茨已经穿好正装,迈着沉重的脚步进入更衣室,依然穿着汗津津运动服的艾伦•明茨(Alan Mintz)径直向他的老板走来。
  2. The investigative firm James Mintz Group has a new database of every FCPA case that it says allows users to access such information in short order by clicking on an interactive map.
    调查机构James Mintz Group有一个收集了每个FCPA案例的新数据库,它说用户只要点击一个互动地图,就可迅速获得此类信息。
  3. "They beat YouTube because they understand how to relate to the Chinese, " says Dan Mintz, chief creative officer Dynamic Marketing Group, a full service, independent ad agency based in Beijing.
    印迹广告公司(DMG,北京一家提供全套服务的独立广告公司)首席创意官丹·明茨(Dan Mintz)说:“他们打败了YouTube,因为他们懂得如何和中国人建立联系。

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