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 martyrdom ['mɑ:tәdәm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 殉教, 殉难, 殉节

    [ noun ]
    1. death that is imposed because of the person's adherence of a religious faith or cause

    2. <noun.event>
    3. any experience that causes intense suffering

    4. <noun.event>

    Martyrdom \Mar"tyr*dom\, n. [Martyr + -dom.]
    1. The condition of a martyr; the death of a martyr; the
    suffering of death on account of adherence to the
    Christian faith, or to any cause. --Bacon.

    I came from martyrdom unto this peace. --Longfellow.

    2. Affliction; torment; torture. --Chaucer.

    1. Food and water were taken in the afternoon to the blue-and-white Boeing 747, which the hijackers call the "plane of martyrdom."
    2. "This campaign will only lead to failure because the era of the Crusaders' invasion is gone following the spread of the spirit of martyrdom that forced the (U.S.) Marines and the French to retreat in 1983," the statement said.
    3. Asked if he courts martyrdom, O'Connor laughed and said: "Listen, I try to stay alive even in New York.
    4. They say he is quieter, less cocksure, readier to listen -as if his 'martyrdom' has given him an inner assurance that he used to lack. He laughs at such a notion.
    5. Hezbollah, or Party of God, said the "martyrdom operation" was carried out at the entrance to the Christian village of Qleiaa, about two miles north of Israel's border, at 9:45 a.m.
    6. He talks eerily of martyrdom: Better to set himself on fire, he muses, than to continue living much longer in a non-independent Croatia.
    7. If that were all this slight but driven 62-year-old product of Boston public schools and MIT (on the GI Bill) had to throw against a projected $15 million opposition, he might be headed for martyrdom in the name of school choice.
    8. "As Oswiecim is for Jews a symbol of Shoah (remembrance), for Poles it remains the place of bloody martyrdom of the Polish nation.
    9. The sentence "focuses the country on the right issue." "Little would have been gained and much would have been lost by adding fuel to the fires of martyrdom in this case," Tribe said.
    10. "One doesn't say these things to create an atmosphere of martyrdom.
    11. We are the true Islamic nation of Mohammed, in whose flesh and blood martyrdom has been mixed since Al-Hussein's Ashoura.
    12. Turkish scholars say he was killed around A.D. 245, and after his martyrdom, on Dec. 6, tales of his good deeds lived on.
    13. Christian pilgrims carried crosses along the traditional route of Jesus Christ's martyrdom today to mark Good Friday amid tensions over a Jewish settlement established in the Christian quarter of the old city.
    14. Although Mr. Hudak is an apathetic union member, the International Association of Machinists would soon seek to confer martyrdom on him.
    15. Hundreds of thousands of mourners followed a gun carriage carrying the flag-draped coffin of a slain PLO military commander Wednesday, and they vowed that his martyrdom would fuel the fight with Israel.
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