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 marvellous   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 奇异的, 神奇的, 奇迹般的, 惊人的, 不可思议的, 绝妙的, 妙极的

    [ adj ]
    1. extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers

    2. <adj.all>
      a fantastic trip to the Orient
      the film was fantastic!
      a howling success
      a marvelous collection of rare books
      had a rattling conversation about politics
      a tremendous achievement
    3. being or having the character of a miracle

    4. <adj.all>
    5. too improbable to admit of belief

    6. <adj.all>
      a tall story

    marvellous \marvellous\ adj.

    Syn: improbable, marvelous, tall(prenominal).
    [WordNet 1.5]

    Marvelous \Mar"vel*ous\, a. [OE. merveillous, OF. merveillos, F.
    Merveilleux. See {Marvel}, n.] [Written also {marvellous}.]
    1. Exciting wonder or surprise; astonishing; wonderful.

    This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our
    eyes. --Ps. cxiii.

    2. Partaking of the character of miracle, or supernatural
    power; incredible; so improbable as to defy belief.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    The marvelous fable includes whatever is
    supernatural, and especially the machines of the
    gods. --Pope.

    {The marvelous}, that which exceeds natural power, or is
    preternatural; that which is wonderful; -- opposed to {the

    Syn: Wonderful; astonishing; surprising; strange; improbable;

    Usage: {Marvelous}, {Wonderful}. We speak of a thing as
    wonderful when it awakens our surprise and admiration;
    as marvelous when it is so much out of the ordinary
    course of things as to seem nearly or quite

    1. Prices range from Pounds 50 to Pounds 2,500. If you want something to wear with your summer wardrobe you do not have to wait until September - Manguette always has a marvellous selection of amber pieces.
    2. Meanwhile the King's Head beckons. Besht Tellers is an itinerant Jewish company which made a marvellous London debut with Telling Tales in 1991.
    3. The RSC has this 12 months' leeway. Heralded at the time as the biggest arts sponsorship ever, the link has undoubtedly helped both parties, but especially RI, which has raised its profile and had marvellous entertainment opportunities.
    4. Mr Philip Watts, managing director of Shell's Nigerian subsidiary, says that having the new MoU has made a big difference by providing a 'proper financial underpinning' for Shell's Nigerian operations. 'Its not that the deal is marvellous.
    5. 'It's going to make the news,' he tells Leonard Bernstein in a marvellous telephone call. One could go on.
    6. He is marvellous in Jurassic Park.
    7. It has a most stylish cafe-restaurant with a marvellous view of the fountains of the Trocadero and the Eiffel Tower (the furniture is based on Carlu's original art deco designs); there is also a new bookshop.
    8. There is some outstanding scenery from the top of the cable car, which includes a marvellous view of the Marmolada, which at just under 11,000 ft is the highest peak in the Dolomites.
    9. This is still marvellous.
    10. Meanwhile, he has done a marvellous impersonation of a cynical modern, plain clothes Inspector. The opening is banal.
    11. They are quite marvellous and their flowers, like frost-proof strips of papery textile, ought to be hanging on even now.
    12. The lift system is somewhat antiquated and there can be an irritating amount of queueing. However, Cervinia has some long, sunny slopes ('such marvellous geriatric skiing' was one reader's comment).
    13. He buys a perfume that he is told is worn by the Queen of France, then gives it to Berniece. In the marvellous second act, there are other felicities, not least in the twists and turns of the plot.
    14. Other parties have simply pushed their candidates in front of cameras. The marvellous amateurism is gold dust to anyone attuned to the banalities of western party politicals.
    15. Most good skiwear departments have a host of beautiful (and flattering) long-line jackets made from soft-as-butter microfibre fabrics which not only make marvellous off-duty jackets but also provide all the warmth and protection you need for skiing.
    16. There is a marvellous moment at the start when a movie-star looking Lady Macbeth calls out of a window for her husband.
    17. 'You haven't done nothing,' laughed Sir D reassuringly to (or at) a nervous courier inveigled into a crowded studio to receive marvellous news for himself and 'your glorious family'. 'Not bad, is it?'
    18. Two years ago, I suspected that he was the most marvellous young dance-maker to have come along since Mark Morris; now I am sure that he is.
    19. 'At the chateau we have four bottles or so of the very old vintages, but none of this marvellous 1924.
    20. The idea is that, once the Channel Tunnel is open, travellers crossing the mournful coastal reaches will flock to Lille as to a beacon of French culture. Jacques-Louis David's 'Belisarius' of 1781 is a marvellous painting, noble and pathetic.
    21. 'In my shore job you have a marvellous thing called the Discipline Code which gives you much more leverage than you have in the Challenge,' he said. 'The Fire Service tells someone how to do something without query.
    22. You remember them, of course: they had that cottage near the lake, and grew the most marvellous roses. At the Dominion Theatre till April 18, then touring Britain until July 18.
    23. Unusually, we savoured every mouthful from the mystery bottle with our supper. Many a phone call later, I finally tracked down this marvellous liquid, called Mouchao after the small Anglo-Portuguese farm on which it is produced.
    24. Never more than a semi-success during Berlioz's lifetime, on Sunday in the Queen Elizabeth Hall his 1838 opera semi-seria proved to be a marvellous tonic - as Chelsea Opera Group concert-performances regularly are.
    25. 'The people are marvellous, second to none.' Mary Robinson, the president, is one of the brilliant ones.
    26. There are three marvellous words that can be substituted for any word: foo, bar and foobar are used as generics, as in 'The foobar Times, what's it called again?' An important rule is always to have some comment to make.
    27. Again, these small evergreen shrubs make marvellous edging for any low border and seem to flower throughout the summer.
    28. His exit in Act 1 - turning back to gaze at the dead Giselle - was worthy of Gericault. His pose,flower held aloft, as the ballet ends, would have inspired Berlioz. And in nothing is this marvellous interpretation selfish.
    29. Ruari Murchison's single set is marvellous, one vast circle of sky at the back and another vast circle of white sand in the centre, the rest being composed of black rock in which we see some of Prospero's books sculpted.
    30. He has been mugged, and while his wife awaits his return to consciousness he has nightmares described with marvellous clarity in which his credo comes under attack.
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