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 mainstay ['meinstei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 主桅支索, 支柱, 中流砥柱

    [ noun ]
    1. a prominent supporter

    2. <noun.person>
      he is a pillar of the community
    3. a central cohesive source of support and stability

    4. <noun.cognition>
      faith is his anchor
      the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money
      he is the linchpin of this firm
    5. the forestay that braces the mainmast

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Mainstay \Main"stay`\, n.
    1. (Naut.) The stay extending from the foot of the foremast
    to the maintop.

    2. Main support; principal dependence.

    The great mainstay of the Church. --Buckle.

    1. The majority of the 1,800 residents of the islands, whose economic mainstay is sheep-raising, are descendants of British sailors.
    2. A stack of tortillas, the mainstay of the Mexican diet, can still be bought for about a nickel a pound, and the prices of milk, gasoline and a host of other products haven't changed much.
    3. Most Jews are tradesmen at the region's bustling country fairs and markets and some own textile factories, Belmonte's economic mainstay.
    4. The Iraqi air force has been concentrating on hitting Iranian oil industry targets, the mainstay of its economy, since 1984.
    5. Its success is based on an increasing thirst for Bass ale in the US and Spain, and Tennent's lager in Italy. Scotch whisky was the mainstay of the international spirits groups' performance.
    6. PACs have always had a shady reputation as the billfolds of special interests, but the evidence is mounting that they do far more damage as a mainstay of congressional incumbents, especially members of the House.
    7. Though textbooks remain New York-based Macmillan's mainstay, Mr. Bass has trained his eye on Macmillan's hidden treasure: information services.
    8. U.S. officials believe the MiG-27, in operation since the late 1970s, has become the mainstay of the Soviet ground attack fighter force.
    9. Caution remains the mainstay of the industry, whose motto continues to be growth through diversification and low-priced toys.
    10. Hybrid systems such as Premier have the potential to improve the quality of photographic prints, which could increase sales of conventional film products that are Kodak's mainstay, Glazer said.
    11. Joe Leaphorn, mainstay of Hillerman's novels.
    12. In a larger sense, critics say the battleships themselves, once the mainstay of gunboat diplomacy, have outlived their purpose.
    13. And Lotus and Microsoft are working on products to challenge Ashton-Tate's mainstay, dBase, a database manager, or electronic librarian that stores and organizes records.
    14. Some of the new campaigns employ old, mainstay conservation techniques: better insulation, more efficient light bulbs, greater use of daylight.
    15. Indeed, Apple's original Apple II computer line is still a mainstay in many classrooms, accounting for nearly 40% of the company's total sales, analysts estimate.
    16. Sales of the company's mainstay beer rose 3 per cent to Y238.1bn, with sales volume increasing 1 per cent.
    17. Germander is fun to try, but it is not a mainstay.
    18. Was it necessary, for this light French girl's role, to rope in an acclaimed Straussian soprano and a mainstay at Bayreuth, where she will sing Elsa in "Lohengrin" this summer?
    19. Deployment of the new rail-mounted SS-24 nuclear missile has now begun, and production should start soon for a more accurate version of the huge SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile, the mainstay of the Soviet arsenal.
    20. Several schools this year even trimmed their mainstay executive courses; Carnegie Mellon University cut its program from six to four weeks.
    21. A 200-year-old mainstay of treatment for congestive heart failure will continue to play its key role after research showed that a highly touted replacement is not as good for many patients, experts say.
    22. Syntex's long-time mainstay, the anti-arthritis drug Naprosyn, loses patent protection in 1993.
    23. Viewership of one mainstay, "Dynasty," is off 19% for the season to date.
    24. 'It will not be capitalism but we will bring market mechanisms into a planned economy, with public ownership remaining the mainstay.
    25. Analysts said Mr. Yocam's new role could be considered a demotion of sorts, even though the education market has been a mainstay for Apple over the years.
    26. As debt-restructuring talks became a mainstay in the aftermath of the 1980s corporate borrowing binge, a variety of highly indebted companies have quietly renegotiated terms with major insurance-company lenders.
    27. In particular, women's apparel, the mainstay of any department store, has been rebounding after a two-year slump.
    28. Economically, the casinos and light industry remain the mainstay.
    29. The air was stinking - thick and poisoned from pollution emanating from the chemical works, the mainstay of the Saxony-Anhalt economy.
    30. MCI is a mainstay of the over-the-counter market as one of NASDAQ's most widely followed and actively traded stocks.
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