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 maintain [mein'tein]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 维持, 维修, 保持, 坚持, 供养, 主张

[化] 维修

    [ verb ]
    1. keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g.,

    2. <verb.stative> hold keep
      keep clean
      hold in place
      She always held herself as a lady
      The students keep me on my toes
    3. keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction

    4. <verb.possession>
      conserve keep up preserve
      We preserve these archeological findings
      The old lady could not keep up the building
      children must be taught to conserve our national heritage
      The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts
    5. supply with necessities and support

    6. <verb.consumption>
      keep sustain
      She alone sustained her family
      The money will sustain our good cause
      There's little to earn and many to keep
    7. state categorically

    8. <verb.communication>
      assert asseverate
    9. have and exercise

    10. <verb.possession>
      exert wield
      wield power and authority
    11. maintain for use and service

    12. <verb.possession>
      I keep a car in the countryside
      She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips
    13. maintain by writing regular records

    14. <verb.communication>
      keep a diary
      maintain a record
      keep notes
    15. state or assert

    16. <verb.communication>
      He maintained his innocence
    17. support against an opponent

    18. <verb.communication>
      The appellate court upheld the verdict
    19. stick to correctly or closely

    20. <verb.cognition>
      keep observe
      The pianist kept time with the metronome
      keep count
      I cannot keep track of all my employees

    Maintain \Main*tain\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Maintained}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Maintaining}.] [OE. maintenen, F. maintenir,
    properly, to hold by the hand; main hand (L. manus) + F.
    tenir to hold (L. tenere). See {Manual}, and Tenable.]
    1. To hold or keep in any particular state or condition; to
    support; to sustain; to uphold; to keep up; not to suffer
    to fail or decline; as, to maintain a certain degree of
    heat in a furnace; to maintain a fence or a railroad; to
    maintain the digestive process or powers of the stomach;
    to maintain the fertility of soil; to maintain present

    2. To keep possession of; to hold and defend; not to
    surrender or relinquish.

    God values . . . every one as he maintains his post.

    3. To continue; not to suffer to cease or fail.

    Maintain talk with the duke. --Shak.

    4. To bear the expense of; to support; to keep up; to supply
    with what is needed.

    Glad, by his labor, to maintain his life.

    What maintains one vice would bring up two children.

    5. To affirm; to support or defend by argument.

    It is hard to maintain the truth, but much harder to
    be maintained by it. --South.

    Syn: To assert; vindicate; allege. See {Assert}.

    1. The Soviet foreign minister met jointly with Communist Party officials and one of their harshest foes today and said later his country is determined to maintain good relations with both sides.
    2. Neither forecast proved correct. To make unification a success, Germany will need to maintain public sector transfers from west to east of at least DM100bn (Pounds 35.8bn) a year until the end of the decade.
    3. In a statement released yesterday, Koppers Chairman Charles Pullin said the recapitalization would permit shareholders "to maintain an equity interest and participate in the company's inherent long-term value."
    4. "The month of September will really be a telling story of whether general merchandise sales will maintain modest growth, in line with the economy," said Jeffrey Edelman, a retail analyst for Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.
    5. Do Switzerland's neighbours need to worry about the country retaining its ability and will to maintain security at this crossroads of the continent? We are the only country where the people can vote on such matters.
    6. Because the SS-20 can be moved along highways in special trucks, critics maintain, the U.S. can't know from satellite photos just how many there are now.
    7. The legislation would continue to fund construction of some 400 dams and harbor and irrigation projects where work has begun, and maintain hundreds of others already in operation.
    8. "We therefore do not believe that First Interstate's financial performance in 1991 should maintain the pace established in 1990," said Edward Carson, First Interstate's chief executive officer.
    9. DeLisle, 30, and his wife maintain the car plunge was an accident, caused when a leg cramp forced DeLisle to jam his foot against the gas pedal and sent the car through a barrier rail and into the river.
    10. In the poll, 33% think the best way of forcing him out is to maintain economic sanctions, while 27% favor assassinating him.
    11. Members must be between 14 and 20 and, if in high school, maintain a C average.
    12. In 1985, Cheney voted for limits on "revolving door" job switches from the Pentagon to private military supply companies, and for legislation requiring the Pentagon to maintain records of contractors' proposed and negotiated cost and pricing data.
    13. They are now a critical mass, exerting power and influence throughout corporate life and tending to hire even more MBAs. Noting the need and the interest, the nation's universities are doing their best to maintain a supply.
    14. Diplomats described a massive deployment of troops _ perhaps more than 50,000 _ to maintain tense order in the southwest along the border with Iraq.
    15. As previously reported, the oil ministers resolved the output issue by agreeing to maintain it at 22.3 million barrels a day, the current ceiling, through September with the idea of taking a new look at it then.
    16. The Indians complain that the white authorities won't maintain their cricket ground.
    17. "We must decide whether to maintain a go-it-alone position," appellate Judge Frank Easterbrook wrote in Tuesday's ruling.
    18. In today's banking environment, where stock prices determine who will acquire and who will be acquired, bank managers understandably want to achieve and maintain a healthy stock price.
    19. "There was no peace from World War II till 1970." Given the historical problems, some officials maintain that eastern Indonesia hasn't done badly at all.
    20. In this campaign, Gonzalez and other Socialist leaders maintain that opposition parties have failed to come up with serious platforms and alternatives.
    21. Draw up specified time periods in which claims should be paid, and maintain and disclose complaint information by company and line of insurance.
    22. Awan and the other defendants maintain their innocence.
    23. Governments will be urged to maintain prudent policies to secure steady growth with low inflation. Wednesday: Britain's trade with countries outside the European Union is expected to show some improvement in November.
    24. The company said it "will continue to maintain these operations as ongoing operations" until it can find a buyer.
    25. Some politicians maintain that Yugoslavia has already falle apart.
    26. Ever cautious about network failures, Morgan had each carrier guarantee that it would maintain a certain level of service or forfeit a chunk of Morgan's monthly tab.
    27. The United States has been the strongest proponent of decisive action against Noriega, but other OAS countries maintain that the group should stay out of what is an essentially internal Panamanian matter.
    28. Vietnam is one of a handful of countries with which the United States does not maintain diplomatic relations.
    29. Traders said the central banks are determined to maintain stability immediately before the U.S. presidential election less than a week away.
    30. Regarding its U.S. discount, MacMillan Bloedel said it is eliminating a 3% "temporary competitive allowance," effective Jan. 1, but will maintain a 5% discount for customers who purchase their entire annual contract volume.
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