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 logotype   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 连合活字, 小示意图, 商标标志

    [ noun ]
    a company emblem or device

    Logotype \Log"o*type\, n. [Gr. lo`gos word + -type.] (Print.)
    A single type, containing two or more letters; as, [ae],
    [AE], [filig], [fllig], [ffllig], etc.; -- called also

    1. The S.O.S. Atlantic Forest Foundation's logotype is a stylized green-yellow-and-blue Brazilian flag, but with part of the green ripped away.
    2. The story said the name would be changed in stages over the next year and the logotype will be replaced the following year.
    3. Police arrested 18 people on charges of selling counterfeit Batman clothes, posters and accessories with the comic book hero's logotype, the Attorney General's office said Wednesday.
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