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 logrolling ['lɒg,rәuliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 滚木材, 相互吹棒, 水上踩滚木

    [ noun ]
    1. act of exchanging favors for mutual gain; especially trading of influence or votes among legislators to gain passage of certain projects

    2. <noun.act>
    3. rotating a log rapidly in the water (as a competitive sport)

    4. <noun.act>

    Logrolling \Log"roll`ing\, n.
    1. (Logging) The act or process of rolling logs from the
    place where they were felled to the stream which floats
    them to the sawmill or to market. In this labor
    neighboring camps of loggers combine to assist each other
    in turn. --Longfellow. [U.S.]

    2. Hence: A combining or mutual agreement in which one
    politician supports or assists another in consideration of
    receiving assistance in return; wheeling and dealing; --
    sometimes used of a disreputable mode of accomplishing
    political schemes or ends. [Cant, U.S.]

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