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 leviathan [li'vaiәθәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 海中怪兽, 巨轮

    [ noun ]
    1. the largest or most massive thing of its kind

    2. <noun.person>
      it was a leviathan among redwoods
      they were assigned the leviathan of textbooks
    3. monstrous sea creature symbolizing evil in the Old Testament

    4. <noun.person>

    Leviathan \Le*vi"a*than\ (l[-e]*v[imac]"[.a]*than), n. [Heb.
    1. An aquatic animal, described in the book of Job, ch. xli.,
    and mentioned in other passages of Scripture.

    Note: It is not certainly known what animal is intended,
    whether the crocodile, the whale, or some sort of

    2. The whale, or a great whale. --Milton.

    1. It would create a leviathan with yearly revenues approaching 80 billion marks ($44.76 billion).
    2. All the individual bills that would have passed over the course of the two years would be merely "preliminary" procedural steps to the leviathan bill.
    3. Although Mr. Salinas may not have an opposition party to worry about, his own party is no longer the leviathan it once was.
    4. Mid-way through the following morning, after another vain assault on the leviathan of the pool, the rain reached Corofin.
    5. But while a voter revolt is unlikely, a growing number of critics argue that the Nordic welfare state has become a bureaucratic leviathan and must be reined in.
    6. Even if this leviathan only finds the graillike Higgs boson, it will have forced the Rubbias of the future to bring their ambitions to this country.
    7. Situated off the food-rich Grand Banks, where codfish is king, the seas around Newfoundland provide enough food, deep water and isolation to satisfy the pickiest leviathan.
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