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 levied 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The kings of each city levied tolls on us, but would not suffer us to enter their gates.
  2. "The toll tax is increasing day by day and there is no mechanism to check how the toll tax is levied," he said.
  3. While China imposed 10 per cent duty on imported cars, it levied 25 per cent duty on imported auto parts because of their “essential character” close to a complete vehicle.

Levy \Lev"y\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Levied} (l[e^]v"[i^]d); p.
pr. & vb. n. {Levying}.]
1. To raise, as a siege. [Obs.] --Holland.

2. To raise; to collect; said of troops, to form into an army
by enrollment, conscription, etc.

Augustine . . . inflamed Ethelbert, king of Kent, to
levy his power, and to war against them. --Fuller.

3. To raise or collect by assessment; to exact by authority;
as, to levy taxes, toll, tribute, or contributions.

If they do this . . . my ransom, then,
Will soon be levied. --Shak.

4. (Law)
(a) To gather or exact; as, to levy money.
(b) To erect, build, or set up; to make or construct; to
raise or cast up; as, to levy a mill, dike, ditch, a
nuisance, etc. [Obs.] --Cowell. --Blackstone.
(c) To take or seize on execution; to collect by

{To levy a fine}, to commence and carry on a suit for
assuring the title to lands or tenements. --Blackstone.

{To levy war}, to make or begin war; to take arms for attack;
to attack.

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