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 kind [kaind]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 种类, 性质, 方式

a. 亲切的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的

[经] 实物

    [ noun ]
    1. a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality

    2. <noun.cognition>
      sculpture is a form of art
      what kinds of desserts are there?
    [ adj ]
    1. having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior

    2. <adj.all>
      kind to sick patients
      a kind master
      kind words showing understanding and sympathy
      thanked her for her kind letter
    3. agreeable, conducive to comfort

    4. <adj.all>
      a dry climate kind to asthmatics
      the genial sunshine
      hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet
    5. tolerant and forgiving under provocation

    6. <adj.all>
      our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke

    Kind \Kind\ (k[imac]nd), a. [Compar. {Kinder} (k[imac]nd"[~e]r);
    superl. {Kindest}.] [AS. cynde, gecynde, natural, innate,
    prop. an old p. p. from the root of E. kin. See {Kin}
    1. Characteristic of the species; belonging to one's nature;
    natural; native. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    It becometh sweeter than it should be, and loseth
    the kind taste. --Holland.

    2. Having feelings befitting our common nature; congenial;
    sympathetic; as, a kind man; a kind heart.

    Yet was he kind, or if severe in aught,
    The love he bore to learning was his fault.

    3. Showing tenderness or goodness; disposed to do good and
    confer happiness; averse to hurting or paining;
    benevolent; benignant; gracious.

    He is kind unto the unthankful and to evil. --Luke
    vi 35.

    O cruel Death, to those you take more kind
    Than to the wretched mortals left behind. --Waller.

    A fellow feeling makes one wondrous kind. --Garrick.

    4. Proceeding from, or characterized by, goodness,
    gentleness, or benevolence; as, a kind act. ``Manners so
    kind, yet stately.'' --Tennyson.

    5. Gentle; tractable; easily governed; as, a horse kind in

    Syn: Benevolent; benign; beneficent; bounteous; gracious;
    propitious; generous; forbearing; indulgent; tender;
    humane; compassionate; good; lenient; clement; mild;
    gentle; bland; obliging; friendly; amicable. See

    Kind \Kind\, n. [OE. kinde, cunde, AS. cynd. See {Kind}, a.]
    1. Nature; natural instinct or disposition. [Obs.]

    He knew by kind and by no other lore. --Chaucer.

    Some of you, on pure instinct of nature,
    Are led by kind t'admire your fellow-creature.

    2. Race; genus; species; generic class; as, in mankind or
    humankind. ``Come of so low a kind.'' --Chaucer.

    Every kind of beasts, and of birds. --James iii.7.

    She follows the law of her kind. --Wordsworth.

    Here to sow the seed of bread,
    That man and all the kinds be fed. --Emerson.

    3. Sort; type; class; nature; style; character; fashion;
    manner; variety; description; as, there are several kinds
    of eloquence, of style, and of music; many kinds of
    government; various kinds of soil, etc.

    How diversely Love doth his pageants play,
    And snows his power in variable kinds ! --Spenser.

    There is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of
    beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. --I
    Cor. xv. 39.

    Diogenes was asked in a kind of scorn: What was the
    matter that philosophers haunted rich men, and not
    rich men philosophers? --Bacon.

    {A kind of}, something belonging to the class of; something
    like to; -- said loosely or slightingly.

    {In kind}, in the produce or designated commodity itself, as
    distinguished from its value in money.

    Tax on tillage was often levied in kind upon corn.

    Syn: Sort; species; type; class; genus; nature; style;
    character; breed; set.

    Kind \Kind\, v. t. [See {Kin}.]
    To beget. [Obs.] --Spenser.

    1. "Baseball is a kind of theater: they have a lot in common." Mr. Nederlander is one of five brothers and a sister, most of whom are closely involved with the family business, run primarily from New York and Detroit.
    2. But Jenkins said there are "powerful forces" in Iran who "continue to oppose any kind of rapprochement with the West." "None of the alternatives look very promising," Jenkins wrote.
    3. That kind of reform "requires highly skilled leaders who are paid well," Hersey said.
    4. Mr. Souter doesn't have any reputation for the kind of conservative judicial activism that aroused fierce opposition to President Reagan's nomination of Robert Bork in 1987.
    5. "I don't think they're interested in a daily diet of this kind of thing and it's one of the reasons, at least at this point, the Republican campaign seems to be in trouble," Dukakis said in Boston.
    6. Even she sees a certain irony in the coming duel: "It is kind of like competing with yourself," Ms. Burns observes.
    7. Today's giant publicly held corporations actively discourage the kind of autocratic boss Henry Ford became.
    8. It is the kind of thinking that has made America's unionized industries uncompetitive in world markets; the country's unemployment rolls grow, and its businessmen invest elsewhere.
    9. She emphasised her experience and said she could offer 'continuity and stability'. 'People don't have to guess what kind of leader I can be - they can see,' she said.
    10. But it is easy to find this kind of fault.
    11. Dr. Carr is the kind of contingent worker who both gladdens and worries employers.
    12. "He's built a career on economic growth and that's exactly the kind of message this state needs to hear." Being mentioned for political office is nothing new to Mr. Iacocca, a self-professed independent with Democratic leanings.
    13. When covering this kind of wood when a house is new, look over the various kinds of stains and pigmented sealers on the market. Manufacturers of some of the pigmented types say they are more durable than the clear coatings.
    14. Kottke, who often appeared on Keillor's radio show, "A Prairie Home Companion," is more upbeat than Keillor, kind of like an aging kid brother who veered off temporarily into Zen Buddhism somewhere back down the line.
    15. 'With benefits, we enter a kind of crystal maze of traps, tapers, withdrawals and disregards,' says Mr Davies.
    16. If the preliminary finding of fetal cells in mother's bloodstreams is confirmed, it should be possible to do the same kind of genetic tests on those fetal cells as are now done on fetal tissue samples obtained through amniocentesis.
    17. It's brought a lot of emotion back, and now it's kind of a reality to me.
    18. If Western culture goes, this kind of curiosity goes too, and with it our chance of learning about and learning from other cultures.
    19. "It's a horse race every year," said Forbes spokesman Ray Healey, describing his magazine's rush to beat its rival. "Information of this kind is old in a matter of minutes.
    20. Benefits in kind must be listed separately from total income. Investment income.
    21. His impatience with mistakes of any kind is clearly evident at the baseball game.
    22. "I really got kind of redneck about it," Joy said, but the end result was that Owens heard the song and loved it, and had Joy record it.
    23. Without fresh insights of this kind from today's choreographers, ballet in the U.S. must surely succumb to the inanition that has overtaken it in Europe and the Soviet Union.
    24. At federal levels, at least half of the island's population would qualify for some kind of welfare, but Mr. Romero Barcelo argues that this would add to consumer demand and promote prosperity.
    25. "You can't push mortgage rates that low without getting some kind of a reaction in housing," said John Tuccillo, the association's chief economist, referring to current interest rates, the lowest since the mid-1970s.
    26. Military officials gave no reason for the order to laborers from Gaza, the first of its kind in the uprising.
    27. He conceded: "It's kind of strange that I'm here on Dodger Day." Marching bands also participated in the Dodger Day ceremony, featured on five Los Angeles television stations.
    28. "You are kind of putting professionals up against amateurs," said retired Marine Lt.
    29. "On the other hand, there is a political risk for those who say they won't go into a budget summit at all." Each stop on this rainy weekend is punctuated with this kind of "on the other hand" reflection.
    30. No details were available on the size or kind of unit involved.
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