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 kinda ['kaində]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 有一点, 有几分(=kind of)

    [ adv ]
    to some (great or small) extent
    it was rather coldthe party was rather nice
    the knife is rather dull
    I rather regret that I cannot attend
    He's rather good at playing the cello
    he is kind of shy

    1. "You wouldn't believe the party that went on," said ticket taker Debbie Guffey over the weekend. "But today everybody looks kinda hangdog and sad.
    2. Steve Lawrence said he "tried to cheer him up, kinda like a wife." For inspiration, Davis turned to his friend Jill Ireland, who has been fighting cancer for years _ and a seven-year-old boy he met in a hospital.
    3. It was kinda nice, just like a scene out of a movie." The Costners managed to hitchhike home.
    4. Taffner is rocking in his chair, beside himself. 'So I kinda say I get involved in those businesses that fall between the slats of the big guys, ya know.
    5. Roger says his wife can get "kinda tough."
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