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 infantryman ['ɪnfəntrɪmən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 步兵

    [ noun ]
    fights on foot with small arms

    1. A press officer at police headquarters said infantryman Pvt. Nicholas David Peacock died after a bomb exploded as his joint army-police foot patrol passed a pub in the Falls Road section of West Belfast, an IRA stronghold.
    2. It contained a pewter infantryman's button the size of a nickel and a 10-pound fragment of a British cannon ball.
    3. "The Iraqis can take a great number of casualties and continue to fight over the corpses of their dead," said Col. Amir, an infantryman who fought in most of the major battles of the gulf war.
    4. A friend of Henderson's, David Finke, said he served as an Army combat infantryman in Vietnam during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
    5. Reading further, I discovered that in 1961 all holders of the combat infantryman's badge had automatically become bronze star recipients.
    6. James Holland, an infantryman in the war, said he was awarded the Purple Heart after being wounded near the Maginot Line in France in late 1944.
    7. Police said infantryman Pvt.
    8. Army commanders said the thick-skinned Merkava Mark 3 can survive anything an enemy infantryman can throw at it, making the tank one of the toughest in the world.
    9. "A lot more think about deserting," says Juan Carlos Mejillas, a soft-spoken, 18-year-old infantryman.
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