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 infatuated [ɪn'fætʃʊ`etɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 迷恋着的, 昏头昏脑的

    [ adj ]
    marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness
    gaga over the rock group's new albumhe was infatuated with her

    Infatuate \In*fat"u*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Infatuated}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Infatuating}.]
    1. To make foolish; to affect with folly; to weaken the
    intellectual powers of, or to deprive of sound judgment.

    The judgment of God will be very visible in
    infatuating a people . . . ripe and prepared for
    destruction. --Clarendon.

    2. To inspire with a foolish and extravagant passion; as, to
    be infatuated with gaming.

    The people are . . . infatuated with the notion.

    Infatuated \In*fat"u*a`ted\, a.
    Overcome by some foolish passion or desire; affected by

    1. Audiences are clearly infatuated with outward signs of success.
    2. "Rainmaker," an '80s time bomb, is another of those bad-faith numbers in which a writer piously criticizes the social set he is obviously infatuated with.
    3. Mitsubishi's experience is only the latest in a string of cases that suggest many Japanese art buyers weren't descending on the world art market just because they were suddenly infatuated with Western culture.
    4. As Frances Sitwell, 'a sybylline beauty over which time had no power', guided him through the storm, he became infatuated with her.
    5. A man infatuated with another man's bride-to-be was jailed after he interrupted a marriage ceremony armed with a toy gun and wearing a cape and black mask, police said Monday.
    6. Unfortunately, she is so uncertain and clumsy that it is impossible to believe for an instant that a slick operator like Vincent would even notice her, much less be infatuated with her.
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