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 inconclusively 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adv ]
    not conclusively
    the meeting ended inconclusively

    Inconclusive \In`con*clu"sive\, a.
    Not conclusive; leading to no conclusion; not closing or
    settling a point in debate, or a doubtful question; as,
    evidence is inconclusive when it does not exhibit the truth
    of a disputed case in such a manner as to satisfy the mind,
    and put an end to debate or doubt.

    Arguments . . . inconclusive and impertinent. --South.
    -- {In`con*clu"sive*ly}, adv. -- {In`con*clu"sive*ness}, n.

    1. Four days of talks, which had opened amid optimism last Wednesday, ended inconclusively on Saturday.
    2. The official said there are one or two known instances in which rebels have used their weapons to take food, and more such incidents can be expected if the talks drag on inconclusively.
    3. World trade talks ended inconclusively Friday, with tentative gains in many areas but no sign of compromise on the critical issue of farm supports.
    4. Cambodian peace talks ended inconclusively in France.
    5. Two days of talks on steel issues ended inconclusively Tuesday, with the U.S. and Japan unable to agree on what Japan's share should be under a revamped quota agreement, Japanese government sources said.
    6. The debate has dragged on for years, inconclusively.
    7. The election ended inconclusively, prompting a conservative-leftist coalition to pledge to clean up Greek political life by investigating scandals allegedly involving members of the former government.
    8. Those talks ended inconclusively when the four factions disagreed on how to share power in the period before elections.
    9. Congressional leaders and Bush administration officials have struggled inconclusively since May to forge a package of tax increases and spending cuts totaling $50 billion for next year and $500 billion over five years.
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