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 incongruity [,inkɒŋ'gru:iti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不协调, 不一致, 不合适

[化] 异元性; 不相容性

[医] 不交合, 不适合

    [ noun ]
    the quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate

    Incongruity \In`con*gru"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Incongruities}. [Pref.
    in- not + congruity: cf. F. incongruit['e].]
    1. The quality or state of being incongruous; lack of
    congruity; unsuitableness; inconsistency; impropriety.

    The fathers make use of this acknowledgment of the
    incongruity of images to the Deity, from thence to
    prove the incongruity of the worship of them. --Bp.

    2. Disagreement of parts; lack of symmetry or of harmony.

    3. That which is incongruous; lack of congruity.

    1. Researchers were struck not by the damage but by the incongruity of a gleaming water cooler surrounded by overturned equipment in the pilothouse.
    2. We'd have reporters there." Despite the incongruity of it all, callers swamped the switchboard at the radio station as well as its television affiliate.
    3. And so evangelical viewers seem not to notice the incongruity of the oft-repeated declaration that a single one-hour broadcast reaches more people than Jesus preached to in his lifetime.
    4. Iron ore exports are predicted to rise 2 per cent to 110m tonnes, but earnings would fall 3 per cent to ADollars 2.9bn. The incongruity of this export position has been the catalyst for a lively debate on Australia's economic direction.
    5. When I talked to union officials, they wanted to dwell on management's 8% wage hike, and the seeming incongruity in having an organization founded by striking workers 52 years ago headed by a director earning $147,000 a year.
    6. Gore's performance, and the staging and timing of the event, illustrate the incongruity that sometimes surfaces as he takes his campaign to the North.
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