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 harridan ['hærədn.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 凶恶的老妇, 丑婆, 鬼婆

    [ noun ]
    a scolding (even vicious) old woman

    Harridan \Har"ri*dan\ (h[a^]r"r[i^]*dan), n. [F. haridelle a
    worn-out horse, jade.]
    A worn-out strumpet; a vixenish woman; a hag.

    Such a weak, watery, wicked old harridan, substituted
    for the pretty creature I had been used to see. --De

    1. Mr. Gill believes neither story and describes her as a harridan who pestered and tried to bully her son as long as she lived and, worse, as "ambitious, half-mad, sexually cold and drearily self-righteous."
    2. Biting back at David Mellor for dubbing her a 'sabre-toothed old harridan' she boasts that 'it has never occurred to me to attack anyone for their looks or even to comment on them'.
    3. The prematurely bald Kenneth has become a harridan, overripe, decayed and unpleasant, like an old mango.
    4. In spite of being handicapped by dark glasses and a spooky white cape, Kerstin Witt as Mila's mother acted the disintegrating old harridan to the hilt.
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