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 Harriet ['hæriət]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 哈里特(女子名)

  1. Emma herself began to think of Churchill as a husband for Harriet, but she resolved to do nothing to promote the match.
  2. Instead of thinking of Robert Martin as a husband for Harriet, Emma influenced the girl to aspire to Mr. Elton, the young, rector.

  1. However, to watch Harriet Walter, Clare Higgins and Gillian Barge in their roles is a rare privilege.
  2. He died in 1932 of cancer of the liver, leaving Mrs. Bullitt and three children: Charles Stimson; Priscilla, known as Patsy, and Harriet, owner of Pacific Northwest magazine.
  3. The author, Harriet Tyson-Bernstein, said "readability" formulas used to judge whether a text is too far over children's heads are partly to blame for the poor prose.
  4. And at least I have a protagonist - sexy Harriet Costley - who bears not a flicker of resemblance to the current brood of sweaty, boiled-knuckled, post-feminist female investigators with whom publishers are enamoured.
  5. Lady Harriet, maid of honor to the queen, is bored.
  6. DeHaven is survived by his wife, Harriet, a son and three daughters.
  7. In Washington, D.C., Hogate's restaurant expects 60 percent of its customers will come from abroad this year, the culmination of marketing efforts that Harriet Epstein has pushed for seven years.
  8. Overhearing a conversation in which some revolutionaries detail plans to use Harriet as a ruse to get to the federal soldiers at the hacienda, he, too, ends up at the Miranda estate.
  9. Harriet Rossetto, a licensed social worker, testified that Mitnick suffers from an impulse disorder and that his illegal computer activity boosted his self-esteem.
  10. Rochester, N.Y., resident Harriet Riley said she joined the club after she read about it in a newspaper.
  11. It is good to hear fresh voices in well-known lines; Tim McInnerny was a convincing Macbeth and Harriet Walter a musically menacing Lady.
  12. They continue to modernize." Harriet Fast Scott, the author of books and articles on the Soviet armed forces, said of the new doctrine, "Reasonable sufficiency is whatever you want it to mean.
  13. The spot seemed appropriate for a company that spent years hunting for the pot of gold it lost when waves of working mothers and faster-paced lifestyles made its trademark home-party sales system seem like an "Ozzie and Harriet" era anachronism.
  14. Harriet Sergeant's clothes, like her word processor, are a tool not a plaything.
  15. But breeding wolves have been unknown in Washington since the turn of the century, making the recent discoveries remarkable, said state endangered species specialist Harriet Allen.
  16. "We have indeed preserved what we did not want to tear asunder," said B'nai B'rith Women president Harriet Horowitz.
  17. Nearly two out of every five workers have recently experienced unemployment, according to unpublished figures from the Department of Employment released today by Ms Harriet Harman, shadow employment secretary. The proportion is highest among men.
  18. Even its happy ending has a bitter edge: bed-hopping Dorimant weds Harriet because he truly loves her, but also because he needs her estate ' and until the final moments, his brutally discarded mistress and his younger paramour are at the party.
  19. The next day, Mr. Brudney gave the allegations to Harriet Grant, the Judiciary Committee's chief nomination counsel.
  20. Gwen Taylor begins as an excellent Harriet, yet is hardly allowed to develop as a character. The rest of the cast, through no fault of their own, are pretty well stooges.
  21. Harriet Isom, charge d'affaires of the American Embassy in Laos, declined to disclose details in a telephone interview from Bangkok.
  22. It flashes back to Ozzie and Harriet's early years together, then traces their son's life and career, winding up with his star-studded funeral.
  23. The 50-minute drama is written by Peter Barnes and the starry cast includes Simon Callow, Jack Shepherd as the parrot, Harriet Walter and Timothy West. Channel 4's impressive series documenting The Falklands War reaches its fourth and last part (9.00).
  24. In 1944, "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" made its debut on CBS radio, an event that coincided with Ozzie and Harriet Nelson's ninth wedding anniversary.
  25. In 1944, "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" made its debut on CBS radio, an event that coincided with Ozzie and Harriet Nelson's ninth wedding anniversary.
  26. Fonda is Harriet, a repressed self-described spinster who leaves her mother and her life to work as a governess for a wealthy Mexican family.
  27. "I did not grow up in Ozzie and Harriet's home or in a Father Knows Best home.
  28. He is survived by his wife, Harriet; a daughter; two sons, and two grandchildren.
  29. It was also signed by Mr Frank Dobson, shadow employment secretary, and Ms Harriet Harman, shadow chief secretary to the Treasury.
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