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 happenings 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The bizarre happenings continued when lawyer Fred Levin, who met with Horton the day he died, claimed four dead canaries with their necks broken were left outside his office and homes, apparently as warnings against "singing" to authorities.
    2. "Clearly, the happenings of this last weekend will make us move forward faster on some asset sales than perhaps we would have done otherwise," Joseph B. Leonard, Eastern's senior vice president and chief operating officer, said Monday.
    3. Such happenings give longtime observers confidence that MCA is on the move again.
    4. There have always been social or professional classes to interpret the random happenings of the universe and otherwise to maintain by propaganda and by force the existing political order.' So far, so good.
    5. He has urged people to treat the messages with caution and has not endorsed the happenings at the church.
    6. It trivialized some very serious happenings." A piano player and singer known for outrageous stage performances and a tumultuous private life, Lewis, now 53, is on his sixth marriage.
    7. The Warsaw youths reflected the Wroclaw-based "Orange Alternative" movement that in recent years has held "happenings" that poke fun but do not directly attack the communist state.
    8. The survivors want respectful remembrance, not street happenings.
    9. Restaurant owners Tom and Melissa Baker say the 95-year-old house where the restaurant is located is home to three ghosts. Employees and customers alike have reported "otherworldly happenings" in the six years since the restaurant opened.
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