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 happen ['hæpәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 发生, 发生, 恰巧

  1. The accident happened at six o'clock.
  2. I happened to see her yesterday.
  3. I happened on just the thing I'd been looking for.


Happen \Hap"pen\ (h[a^]p"p'n), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Happened}
(-p'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Happening}.] [OE. happenen, hapnen.
See {Hap} to happen.]
1. To come by chance; to come without previous expectation;
to fall out.

There shall no evil happen to the just. --Prov. xii.

2. To take place; to occur.

All these things which had happened. --Luke xxiv.

{To happen on}, to meet with; to fall or light upon. ``I have
happened on some other accounts.'' --Graunt.

{To happen in}, to make a casual call. [Colloq.]

  1. We indeed have a mission of high-level businessmen on their way to the Soviet Union right now. They happen to be in Helsinki.
  2. While the Reagan administration lauded Friday's report as signs that inflation was not heating up, some private economists expressed worries about what could happen if world oil prices suddenly rebound.
  3. That is surely not going to happen again, because governments have abandoned the gold peg for their currencies and have generally established targets for the minimum as well as the maximum annual growth rate of the money supply.
  4. "What worries forest products companies most is that what happened there will happen in other parts of the country for other species," he says.
  5. Zhang Xuexin, a waiter at the Good Taste Restaurant in the Happy Valley district, expressed the feelings of many: "I'm terrified of what will happen when the Communists come.
  6. That will be my views as to what has to happen _ hopefully within a month _ of 1990.
  7. People are always saying, `How could this happen?'
  8. What they need to lift their spirits is a convincing turnaround in this weekend's crop of opinion polls. It is a slim chance, but it could happen.
  9. "It's not going to happen; the Congress won't go for it," said David Freeman, a former TVA head who now is general manager of the Municipal Utility District in Sacramento, Calif.
  10. It had to happen sooner or later - gambling on gambling has arrived, thanks to the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
  11. The winners, as does happen, died in their beer.
  12. We created the context for Roe to happen." Ms. Michelman urged the women to speak out and create a renewed climate of activism for the pro-abortion movement.
  13. Mrs. Hemidal said "something big is going to happen in two or three days _ things will be handled," but she would not explain what she meant.
  14. Do you happen to have money in a savings and loan?
  15. I don't know what will happen when we are put to the test. What does 1992 mean for Spain? It is profoundly important.
  16. And I don't think it's going to happen, because I think he is aware, as I am, that rates reduced actually increase the economic growth of the country and provide an incentive for more earnings.
  17. First there are the daily news-driven variety which set out to report what is happening, offer succinct analysis and look forward to what may be about to happen.
  18. If competition were functioning effectively, one would expect price-cutting to reduce fees. There are two reasons why this does not happen.
  19. If it doesn't happen, he says, the stock still could rise $5 to $6 in due course.
  20. Most analysts do not expect much to happen on July 1 since many capital controls already have been lifted.
  21. More important, it is worth envisioning what would happen if the Security Council did, for the sake of regionalism alone, "empower" a country like Brazil.
  22. Should that happen, "there would cease to be any competition in those lines of coverage based on the smoker-nonsmoker distinction, as no other companies offer such a discount in those lines," the order said.
  23. Two computer models were set up to see what would happen to the broiler industries in the United States and Canada if producers had to pay more for corn used to feed their birds.
  24. The problems can be compounded because mistakes happen so quickly and irrevocably with computers.
  25. "There's no telling what may happen in the future.
  26. What is going to happen now?
  27. "Japanese bureaucrats will never instruct securities companies to manipulate the market, but they'll allow as though they'd let it happen," said Masakazu Kobayashi, a Kabuto-cho author and investor advocate.
  28. 'It is something that could happen,' Tasker warns. He should know.
  29. William W. Hamilton Jr., director of Planned Parenthood's Washington office, says Mr. Robertson is making projections when "you can't tell what's going to happen 10 years out."
  30. The pound was in trouble over most of the summer and many redundancies were announced. The notion that the recovery was going to happen this year evaporated. Mr Fell said the south-east, which accounts for a third of the economy, remained the key region.
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