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 handcuff ['hænd`kʌf]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 给...戴上手铐

n. 手铐

  1. The prisoner wore (a pair of) handcuffs.
  2. Democracy Forum: Do Rights Handcuff Democracy." Boston Review,( April/ May1999.
  3. The striking worker appears to be handcuff to a position of belligerence from which they cannot extricate themselves.

[ noun ]
  1. shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist; usually used in pairs

  2. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. confine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs

  2. <verb.contact> cuff manacle
    The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime

Handcuff \Hand"cuff`\ (-k[u^]f`), n. [AS. handcops; hand hand +
cosp, cops, fetter. The second part was confused with E.
A fastening, consisting of an iron ring around the wrist,
usually connected by a chain with one on the other wrist; a
manacle; -- usually in the plural.

Handcuff \Hand"cuff`\ (h[a^]nd"k[u^]f`), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Handcuffed} (-k[u^]ft`); p. pr. & vb. n. {Handcuffing}.]
To apply handcuffs to; to manacle. --Hay (1754).

  1. He urged Mitchell "not to handcuff anyone" during the floor action by rushing to cut off debate.
  2. He said the bruises to Sanchez's arms and wrists were caused when officers tried to handcuff him.
  3. But Sen. John Warner of Virginia, ranking GOP member on the Armed Services panel, argued that Cheney has tried to "defend his action in cutting back military personnel and now we're about to handcuff" him.
  4. Now that the top corporate tax rate exceeds the top personal rate, many employers are considering a form of "golden handcuff" that defers executive pay for a specified period without troubling to abide by the rules for deferring tax.
  5. We cannot allow the remaining hostages (most of whom knew the risks they were taking to stay in Lebanon) to handcuff our foreign policy.
  6. The nickname "handcuff rapist" resulted from the use of handcuffs early in the four-year series of attacks.
  7. One of the captives freed Harris from the bed rail by chiseling the handcuff chain.
  8. However, the intervention put a stop to the dollar purchases and has combined with G-7 officials' statements to "handcuff" the market, said Jerry Egan, a dealer for Bank of Boston.
  9. Biddings is a suspect in a series of attacks dating back to 1984 that had been attributed to the "handcuff rapist," so called because he used handcuffs in early attacks, said police spokeswoman Denise Pangborn.
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