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 handcuffs ['hændkʌfs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 手铐

[法] 手铐

  1. The prisoner wore (a pair of) handcuffs.
  2. Something, such as a handcuff, that resembles a wrist ornament.
  3. No handcuffs," stipulated the stranger.

  1. A prisoner who won $1,000 in a restaurant promotion was escorted to the post office in handcuffs Tuesday to mail paperwork to receive his prize.
  2. "It's golden handcuffs," Mr. Petersen says.
  3. The pair were then led in handcuffs back to the Lake County Jail, pending April trials.
  4. His handcuffs were only taken off to allow him to eat or go to the bathroom.
  5. Alton Detective Jody O'Guinn arrested Mrs. Sims at her parents' home in Cottage Hills shortly after the indictment was returned and led her away in handcuffs.
  6. These preachers crash chest-first through stacks of 2-by-4's, break free of handcuffs and bend 1-inch steel rods between their teeth _ all in the name of the Lord.
  7. That's how they catch them." The disco is frequented by "professionals," some of whom appear almost every night with different partners, said the employee, who saw one Chinese woman being taken away in handcuffs last month.
  8. A Houdini-style escape artist was thrown from an airplane in a locked coffin-like box and said he was "confident all the way" while escaping handcuffs and chains and parachuting to safety.
  9. When they arrived, Huang and three others, pretending to be police and using Huang's club and handcuffs, robbed the farmers from the neighboring Guangxi autonomous region of 15 ounces of gold.
  10. Tuesday's ordeal began as Firth's handcuffs were taken off prior to a pre-trial hearing.
  11. He was brought to the courtroom in handcuffs Tuesday and asked to testify as a witness, but refused, said Palach Press, a newsletter based in London that monitors human rights in Czechoslovakia.
  12. Rock star Jon Bon Jovi ended up in handcuffs after he and some friends were caught trespassing on a closed skating rink in Central Park.
  13. They believe what the government says." Inmates being driven from one jail to another smilingly showed the officer guarding them their new discovery: that their seat belts made handy tools for breaking handcuffs.
  14. Mr. Hansen also mentions Robert Freeman to bolster his case for the "unparalleled" era, arguing that Mr. Freeman's being taken from his firm's office in handcuffs received far more publicity than his eventual guilty plea.
  15. Television, for years the mythic battleground for cops and robbers, is becoming as much a part of law enforcement equipment as handcuffs and badges.
  16. "As you are carting away their carts and taking the vendors away in handcuffs, crack dealers are operating with impunity on the same block," said Sliwa.
  17. Police arrested Khashoggi in a "gentlemanly" way without using handcuffs at the downtown, five-star Hotel Schweizerhof where he was staying, manager Jean-Jacques Gauer told The Associated Press.
  18. A small group sat through the speech wearing mock handcuffs and gags.
  19. The nickname "handcuff rapist" resulted from the use of handcuffs early in the four-year series of attacks.
  20. Soon after that sentencing, Carparroso slipped out of his handcuffs and escaped while being transported from the Clayton County Jail in Georgia to the county courthouse, said sheriff's Sgt. Duel Lee.
  21. "He's Noriega's right hand," one man said as people opened box after box of handcuffs in amazement.
  22. One hundred pairs of personalized handcuffs were sent to members of the media.
  23. "They had him in handcuffs while his daughter was dying.
  24. Mr. Guez, who was led away in handcuffs, said he would appeal the decision.
  25. He received a bloody gash on the forehead and was taken in handcuffs to a Little Rock police car.
  26. Immigration officials escorted some of the male Chinese in handcuffs to prevent possible disorder, Kyodo News Service reported.
  27. Fedotov also has a pair of handcuffs hanging from his desk lamp as a warning to the pirates.
  28. She told the occupants she had been imprisoned in Starrett's home for four days _ often in handcuffs _ and that she had been sexually assaulted.
  29. Biddings is a suspect in a series of attacks dating back to 1984 that had been attributed to the "handcuff rapist," so called because he used handcuffs in early attacks, said police spokeswoman Denise Pangborn.
  30. He muttered "good morning" in Hebrew as he entered the courtroom wearing handcuffs and then embraced his son, John Jr.
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