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 gentlemanly   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    befitting a man of good breeding
    gentlemanly behavior

    Gentlemanlike \Gen"tle*man*like`\, Gentlemanly \Gen"tle*man*ly\,
    Of, pertaining to, resembling, or becoming, a gentleman;
    befitting a man of good breeding; well-behaved; courteous;
    polite; as, gentlemanly behavior.

    1. What a voice, even throughout the range, full of colour, zest and verbal inflections, with plebeian mockery peeping out from beneath a 'gentlemanly' exterior.
    2. He seldom goes on the attack; when he does, he tends to use a gentlemanly stiletto, not a cudgel. He damns with faint praise: Paul Theroux's "Sailing Through China," he writes, "has the charm of fragments."
    3. He shows too many pangs of conscience, too much gentlemanly courtesy, to rank as a libertine. Sensuality is in short supply, not least in the Serenade and there is no sign of debauchery.
    4. The Germans and Canadians are no longer speaking after a wrangle over the same hotel. The British delegates are understood to have used less than gentlemanly tactics to get the rooms they wanted.
    5. Police arrested Khashoggi in a "gentlemanly" way without using handcuffs at the downtown, five-star Hotel Schweizerhof where he was staying, manager Jean-Jacques Gauer told The Associated Press.
    6. In the drug business, the gentlemanly era is over.
    7. So far, this debate is being carried on in a gentlemanly fashion.
    8. Indeed, there is supposed to be a gentlemanly 'no poaching' agreement. A few years ago Sotheby's so dominated modern art that Christie's was thinking of abandoning its London sales in this market.
    9. I had to quit to survive." Dan Brucker of Metro North said the law would be enforced in a "gentlemanly manner," and that smokers would be get summonses only if they refuse to put out their cigarettes when asked.
    10. "What was once a genteel and gentlemanly business has now become a battlefield with no holds barred," said James Emerson, publisher of Emerson's Professional Services Review.
    11. The gentlemanly conduct of debate so far has been a credit to both sides.
    12. At one time, she said, it was considered "gentlemanly" to allow the wife to sue for divorce, regardless of which party was at fault in the dispute.
    13. By the 1970s, however, huge profits were corrupting the fragile gentlemanly ethics in Lime Street.
    14. The battle may not be as gentlemanly as Midland now apparently believes.
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